Tag Archives: Laura Ingraham

Laura Ingraham’s gay brother puts her on “high alert” following Alex Jones’ legal comeuppance

Laura Ingraham’s gay brother puts her on “high alert” following Alex Jones’ legal comeuppance


John Oliver Destroys Laura Ingraham and Jim Jordan’s Arguments About Trump’s Innocence: WATCH

John Oliver Destroys Laura Ingraham and Jim Jordan’s Arguments About Trump’s Innocence: WATCH

John Oliver ripped GOP attempts to excuse Trump’s impeachable offenses on last night’s Last Week Tonight on HBO, specifically targeting FOX News host Laura Ingraham, who clucked, “attempted bribery isn’t in the constitution!”

Replied Oliver: “Crime doesn’t stop being a crime if it doesn’t work. If you tried to blow up an airliner and your vest doesn’t go off, you don’t get to go ‘welp, no harm no foul,’ and then sit there watching Detective Pikachu for the rest of the flight. Also, Ukraine only got its aid after the House started asking questions. And the Ukrainian president was days away from publicly announcing investigations, but canceled his announcement at the last minute after this story started breaking. So, the nothing to see here defense’ is pretty shaky.”

Oliver also destroyed the “hearsay” argument pushed by loudmouth Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), adding: “Multiple people have gone on record saying the President was pressuring Zelensky for his own political gain, including his own chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who did so on camera. So yes, the fact that there was quid pro quo is all ‘hearsay,’ in that you hear people say it all the f**king time.”

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John Oliver Destroys Laura Ingraham and Jim Jordan’s Arguments About Trump’s Innocence: WATCH