Tag Archives: International Leadership Award

Sacha Baron Cohen ADL Speech Blasts Mark Zuckerberg in Blistering Rebuke of Hate-Facilitating ‘Propaganda’ Platforms: WATCH

Sacha Baron Cohen ADL Speech Blasts Mark Zuckerberg in Blistering Rebuke of Hate-Facilitating ‘Propaganda’ Platforms: WATCH

Sacha Baron Cohen ripped Mark Zuckerberg and the “propaganda machine” platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Google for facilitating hate online and allowing it to flourish. Cohen made the remarks in a keynote speech to the Anti-Defamation League. Cohen was receiving the group’s International Leadership Award.

Said Baron Cohen: ‘Think about it. Facebook, YouTube and Google, Twitter and others — they reach billions of people. The algorithms these platforms depend on deliberately amplify the type of content that keeps users engaged — stories that appeal to our baser instincts and that trigger outrage and fear. It’s why YouTube recommended videos by the conspiracist Alex Jones billions of times. It’s why fake news outperforms real news, because studies show that lies spread faster than truth. And it’s no surprise that the greatest propaganda machine in history has spread the oldest conspiracy theory in history- — the lie that Jews are somehow dangerous. As one headline put it, “Just Think What Goebbels Could Have Done with Facebook.” On the internet, everything can appear equally legitimate. Breitbart resembles the BBC. The fictitious Protocols of the Elders of Zion look as valid as an ADL report. And the rantings of a lunatic seem as credible as the findings of a Nobel Prize winner. We have lost, it seems, a shared sense of the basic facts upon which democracy depends.’

Baron Cohen blasted a speech given by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg last month: ‘First, Zuckerberg tried to portray this whole issue as “choices…around free expression.” That is ludicrous. This is not about limiting anyone’s free speech. This is about giving people, including some of the most reprehensible people on earth, the biggest platform in history to reach a third of the planet. Freedom of speech is not freedom of reach. Sadly, there will always be racists, misogynists, anti-Semites and child abusers. But I think we could all agree that we should not be giving bigots and pedophiles a free platform to amplify their views and target their victims. Second, Zuckerberg claimed that new limits on what’s posted on social media would be to “pull back on free expression.” This is utter nonsense. The First Amendment says that “Congress shall make no law” abridging freedom of speech, however, this does not apply to private businesses like Facebook. We’re not asking these companies to determine the boundaries of free speech across society. We just want them to be responsible on their platforms. If a neo-Nazi comes goose-stepping into a restaurant and starts threatening other customers and saying he wants kill Jews, would the owner of the restaurant be required to serve him an elegant eight-course meal? Of course not! The restaurant owner has every legal right and a moral obligation to kick the Nazi out, and so do these internet companies.’

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Sacha Baron Cohen ADL Speech Blasts Mark Zuckerberg in Blistering Rebuke of Hate-Facilitating ‘Propaganda’ Platforms: WATCH