Rainbow Crosswalk – Homma XTT1798e
Harris Hui (in search of light) posted a photo:
Rainbow cross walk at Homma Elementary School Richmond.
Wish you a great weekend!
Fuji X-T3
Fuji XF 10-24mm
Velvia Film Simulation
Rainbow Crosswalk – Homma XTT1798e
Harris Hui (in search of light) posted a photo:
Rainbow cross walk at Homma Elementary School Richmond.
Wish you a great weekend!
Fuji X-T3
Fuji XF 10-24mm
Velvia Film Simulation
Celebrate The Diversity – Kwantlen XTT1742e
Harris Hui (in search of light) posted a photo:
This is rainvow stairs at Kwantlen Polytechnic University Richmond.
Happy summer and happy weekend to everyone!
Fuji X-T3
Fuji XF 10-24mm
Velvia Film Simulation
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