Tag Archives: gayphotos

I wanna be a Mer-Idol!

I wanna be a Mer-Idol!

Honey Gladsong posted a photo:

I wanna be a Mer-Idol!

So keep your eyes on me now
Mu uhtseul bo dun joah hal guh ya
Dahl sooup neun level
Na wa dae gyul won han nuhl hwak shin hae
We got it all in our hands now
So can you handle what we’re all about?
We’re so tough, not scared to show you up
Can you feel the rush now?
{.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}Vibes {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}

༺ও⚊★Abnormality: Y2K & [QE] Designs✦⚊ও༻
Abnormality Links
Flickr Group
See you at the Mall Today!

[QE] Design Links
Flickr Group
Main Store

Items at Abnormality:Y2K
((Krature))-Sparklee- Riptide Applier HUD-Featuring Y2K Pink
Comes in the following colors
☽—— Baby Blue
☽—— Black (Fatpack Exclusive)
☽—— Diamond
☽—— Orange
☽—— Y2K Pink

Cloud9 -ST*R – BOM Tattoo – Featuring Upper Tummy Rainbow
☽—— BOM
☽—— 24 Colors
☽—— 3 Placements-Upper Tummy, Pelvis, and Tramp Stamp

[QE] Designs Item
Almond Nails Vday 001- Featured in Longer, Shown on Maitreya
Comes in Longer & Shorter in the following bodies:
☽—— Maitreya
☽—— Erika
☽—— Kupra
These are On Sale!! Through Valentine’s Day for L89
Pick these up for the sales price today and look hella cute for cupid’s day!

Items (Not at Event)
Head- LeLUTKA- Ryn
Body- Maitreya- Lara Flat Chest
Tail- Aii & Ego- Riptide
༺ও⚊★Abnormality: Y2K & [QE] Designs✦⚊ও༻

I wanna be a Mer-Idol!

️ La Redención Total de Narciso 🌿 The Total Redemption of Narcissus

️ La Redención Total de Narciso 🌿 The Total Redemption of Narcissus

Ulmar Chaves Viteri posted a photo:

️ La Redención Total de Narciso 🌿 The Total Redemption of Narcissus

La Redención Total de Narciso
The Total Redemption of Narcissus
La Rédemption Totale de Narcisse
La Redenzione Totale di Narciso
#Arte #ArteLGBTQ #ArteGay #EspressioneArtistica #ArteContemporanea #LGBT #ComunitàGay #Narciso
Η Απόλυτη Εξιλέωση του Νάρκισσου
#Τέχνη #LGBTQΤέχνη #GayΤέχνη #ΚαλλιτεχνικήΈκφραση #ΣύγχρονηΤέχνη #LGBT #GayΚοινότητα #Νάρκισσος
#アート #LGBTアート #ゲイアート #芸術的表現 #現代アート #LGBT #ゲイコミュニティ #ナルシス
الفداء التام لنرسيس
#فن #فن_متحول #فن_مثلي #التعبير_الفني #فن_معاصر #مجتمع_مثلي #فن_المثليين #نارسيس

️ La Redención Total de Narciso 🌿 The Total Redemption of Narcissus