Tag Archives: Gay Trump

Judaism, Tinashe, Kehinde Wiley, Jimmy Kimmel, Emiliano Zapata, Harry Styles, Baby Yoda, Henry Rollins: HOT LINKS

Judaism, Tinashe, Kehinde Wiley, Jimmy Kimmel, Emiliano Zapata, Harry Styles, Baby Yoda, Henry Rollins: HOT LINKS

EMILIANO ZAPATA. Effeminate painting of Mexican Revolution hero Emiliano Zapata draws protests: “We are not going to allow this,” said Jorge Zapata Gonzalez. “For us as relatives, this denigrates the figure of our general (Zapata), depicting him as gay.”

JUDAISM. Trump executive order to classify Judaism as a race or nationality: “The order will effectively interpret Judaism as a race or nationality, not just a religion, to prompt a federal law penalizing colleges and universities deemed to be shirking their responsibility to foster an open climate for minority students. In recent years, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions — or B.D.S. — movement against Israel has roiled some campuses, leaving some Jewish students feeling unwelcome or attacked.”

SIGN OF THE TIMES. Harry Styles eats sperm on live TV.

SAG AWARDS 2020. And the nominees are….

$25 MILLION. Harvey Weinstein reaches deal with accusers which won’t require him to admit any wrongdoing or pay anything to the accusers himself.

GENEALOGY NEWS OF THE DAY. The Mormon-owned genealogy site Family Search adds same-sex couples: ‘The addition of gay relationships is part of FamilySearch’s “efforts to accurately document the human family,” according to a news release, but the Utah-based church still “solemnizes or seals marriages [it its temples] only between people of the opposite sex.” Children of same-sex couples will not be sealed to their parents “even if the couples have been legally married,” according to the release. “A deceased individual who has lived in a same-sex couple relationship or who has been a party to a same-sex marriage may receive all other available religious rites in a temple for which he or she is eligible.”’

PATRICK BUMATAY. Gay Trump nominee confirmed to Ninth Circuit.

FIRST LOOK OF THE DAY. Meryl Streep and James Corden in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix adaptation of The Prom.

WAXING ON. Jimmy Kimmel pranks his staff with a wax figure of himself.

MONUMENTAL MOMENT OF THE DAY. Kehinde Wiley’s “Rumors of War” statue unveiled in Richmond, is powerful response to Confederate statues.

SEARCH TRENDS. Baby Yoda, Jussie Smollett, iPhone 11, Notre Dame Cathedral, and boomers were on Google user’s minds in 2019.

2020. Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg neck-and-neck in New Hampshire in new poll: “When asked who they would vote for if New Hampshire’s Democratic primary was today, 18 percent of likely Democratic voters polled said Buttigieg, while 17 percent said Biden. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) received 15 percent support, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) received 12 percent. No other candidate was in double digits, though 12 percent said either that they didn’t know or refused to answer the question.”

MARK LEVIN. Conservative radio host calls for next Democratic president to be impeached.

Mark Levin: “The next president who’s a Democrat must be impeached” pic.twitter.com/hjAzsrvdwb

— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) December 10, 2019

TUCKER CARLSON GUEST SETH BARRON. AOC’s district is the least American. “Well, part of the reason is because her district is actually one of the least American districts in the country. Now by that, I don’t mean that it’s not part of America, but it’s occupied by relatively few American citizens. A very high percentage of her district is, in fact, illegal aliens. Now, the way they inhabit housing there is such that they live in a lot of illegal spaces, like basements and many people live there. So they wind up producing a lot of garbage that the landlords don’t want thrown out normally. So hence, you wind up with a lot of garbage on the streets, you have illegal food vendors pouring their pig grease into the gutters. I mean I worked out there, it can be a little gross.”

MUSIC VIDEO OF THE DAY. Tinashe “Save Room For Us”.

MASHUP OF THE DAY. 2019 movie trailers.

LIVE PERFORMANCE OF THE DAY. Henry Rollins and Cyndi Lauper perform “Rise Above”. “Every winter, Cyndi Lauper hosts her all-star Home For The Holiday benefit. The show raises money for True Colors United, the nonprofit that Lauper founded in 2008 to battle against LGBTQ youth homelessness. Last night, Lauper headlined the 2019 edition of the show at the Novo in Los Angeles. This time around, Lauper performed alongside people like Marilyn Manson, Kesha, King Princess, Perry Farrell, and Lily Tomlin. She had Belinda Carlisle and Brandi Carlile; I wonder if those two know each other. And she also shared a magical moment onstage with a very different sort of ’80s icon.”

HUMP DAY HAIRY. Matt Wilkas.

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The post Judaism, Tinashe, Kehinde Wiley, Jimmy Kimmel, Emiliano Zapata, Harry Styles, Baby Yoda, Henry Rollins: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Judaism, Tinashe, Kehinde Wiley, Jimmy Kimmel, Emiliano Zapata, Harry Styles, Baby Yoda, Henry Rollins: HOT LINKS

Orville Peck, Berlin, Patrick Bumatay, Billie Eilish, Marie Fredriksson, Art Basel Banana, Bill Barr: HOT LINKS

Orville Peck, Berlin, Patrick Bumatay, Billie Eilish, Marie Fredriksson, Art Basel Banana, Bill Barr: HOT LINKS

IMPEACHMENT. Democrats announce articles of impeachment against Donald J. Trump. ‘In nine short pages, the draft articles accused Mr. Trump of carrying out a scheme “corruptly soliciting” election assistance from the government of Ukraine in the form of investigations that would smear his Democratic political rivals. To do so, Democrats charged, Mr. Trump used as leverage two “official acts”: the delivery of $391 million in security assistance and a White House meeting for Ukraine’s president.’

Articles of Impeachment by RawStory on Scribd

BAD FAITH. Bill Barr attacks the FBI over investigation of Trump’s collusion with Russia: “In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Barr essentially dismissed the findings of the Justice Department’s inspector general that there was no evidence of political bias in the launching of the Russia probe, saying that his hand-picked prosecutor, John Durham, will have the last word on the matter.”

TRUMP VS MCCONNELL? Differing opinions on what a Senate impeachment trial should look like: “But the show is exactly what Trump wants. He’s made clear to advisers privately that rather than end the trial as quickly as possible, he is hoping for adramatic event, according to two people familiar with his thinking. He wants Hunter Biden, Rep. Adam Schiff and the whistleblower to testify. He wants the witnesses to be live, not clips of taped depositions. And he’s hoping to turn it into a spectacle, which he thinks is his best chance to hurt Democrats in the election.”

RIP. Marie Fredriksson of Roxette has died at 61.

TEXAS. Pierce Bush, grandson of George H.W. Bush, is running for Congress: “Bush joins a crowded GOP field in Texas’ 22nd congressional district, a seat currently held by retiring Republican Rep. Pete Olson. At least 14 other Republicans are running in the GOP primary for this suburban Houston district, which will likely also be a top Democratic target next year.”

THIS SH*T IS… $120,000 Art Basel banana eaten by performance artist.

OHIO STATE. Meet the gay activist fighting on behalf of sexual assault survivors: “Now, Snyder-Hill, 49, a prominent LGBTQ activist and a military veteran, is involved in one of more than a dozen lawsuits filed against the university — all of which are in mediation, according to OSU spokesman Benjamin Johnson.”

2020. New Monmouth University national poll: “Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters continue to be divided over who they want to put up against Trump in 2020. The top contenders continue to be Biden (26%), Sanders (21%), and Warren (17%). However, these three are in a slightly different order than where they stood last month (23% Biden, 23% Warren, and 20% Sanders) or in late September (28% Warren, 25% Biden, and 15% Sanders). Buttigieg is the preferred choice of 8% of Democratic-identifying voters (similar to 9% in November and 5% in September).”

#28. Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) won’t seek another term. “Yoho, who aligned himself with the Tea Party faction of the Republican Party and has been a fierce supporter of President Donald Trump, joins at least 27 House Republicans in announcing their departures from the U.S. House.”

PATRICK BUMATAY. Gay Trump 9th Circuit nominee poised for confirmation: “As an openly gay man and Filipino-American, Bumatay brings diversity to Trump’s mostly straight, white judicial nominees. Bumatay’s nomination, though largely overshadowed by controversy surrounding his would-be colleague on the Ninth Circuit, Lawrence VanDyke, has been a long time coming for the White House.”

PDA OF THE DAY. Ryan Russell and Corey O’Brien.

UK. British war veteran gets apology over LGBT ban: “Joe Ousalice, 68, had served in the navy for nearly 18 years when he was discharged in 1993 because of a ban on LGBT people serving in the armed forces. The former radio operator, who lives in Southampton, served in the Falklands war, did six tours of duty in Northern Ireland, was posted to the Middle East and was seconded for two and a half years to a Nato taskforce. Ousalice was stripped of his long service and good conduct medal and three good conduct badges when he was discharged because of his sexuality.”

BOMBSHELL. FOX News drama lets nobody off the hook – not even Megyn Kelly.

COCKTAIL D’AMORE. Berlin’s free-love club night: ‘Currently, Cocktail takes place monthly at Griessmuehle, a club in a converted former factory, where they moved after losing a location “due to corporate estate investments”. During Cocktail, Griessmuehle’s basement dancefloor becomes a sex dungeon (the aforementioned “cosmic hole”); its inner chambers, a labyrinth of darkrooms; its garden, a hybrid of playground, catwalk and disco. While the party has grown larger and moved away from its early underground settings, Griessmuehle’s expansive layout is optimally suited for shenanigans. Bordered by railway lines, industrial units and a canal, Griessmuehle allows you to forget normal life in a temporary autonomous zone.’


COOKING LESSON OF THE DAY. Brad and Orville Peck Make Elote.


TOO HOT FOR TUESDAY. Gabriel Molinero.

The post Orville Peck, Berlin, Patrick Bumatay, Billie Eilish, Marie Fredriksson, Art Basel Banana, Bill Barr: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Orville Peck, Berlin, Patrick Bumatay, Billie Eilish, Marie Fredriksson, Art Basel Banana, Bill Barr: HOT LINKS