Tag Archives: BREAKING

Gay Bar Shooter Opens Fire In “Club Q”; Kills 5, Injures 18; Patrons Stop Gunman, Limit Casualties, According to Club Owner; BREAKING 8am Press Conf.

Gay Bar Shooter Opens Fire In “Club Q”; Kills 5, Injures 18; Patrons Stop Gunman, Limit Casualties, According to Club Owner; BREAKING 8am Press Conf.

Gay Bar Shooter Opens Fire In “Club Q”; Kills 5, Injures 18; Patrons Stop Gunman, Limit Casualties, According to Club Owner; BREAKING 8am Press Conf.

BREAKING: Historic Victory for Marriage Equality in Northern Ireland

BREAKING: Historic Victory for Marriage Equality in Northern Ireland

HRC celebrates the culmination of years of advocacy and organizing as legislation enacted by the United Kingdom Parliament establishing marriage equality in Northern Ireland becomes law, with the first legal marriages to be allowed in the new year.

The Northern Ireland Executive Formation Act of 2019, passed by Parliament on July 24, ordered the region’s Secretary of State to effectuate access to marriage for same-sex couples if members of the now-dissolved Northern Ireland Assembly failed to form a working government by today. The legislation provides for a three-month transition before marriage for same-sex couples becomes available in January 2020, with February 14, 2020 — Valentine’s Day — the first day marriages may be registered.

“Today marks a historic victory for the rights of the LGBTQ community of Northern Ireland,” said HRC President Alphonso David. “Unlike much of the United Kingdom, same-sex couples in Northern Ireland had been denied the right to marriage equality for years. The overwhelming support and tireless efforts of advocates and allies have made this day a reality. We congratulate them on this critical milestone for LGBTQ equality.”

Political deadlock in Northern Ireland made it one of the last parts of the United Kingdom where same-sex couples could not marry. The UK Parliament broke that deadlock in July with an amendment, offered by Labour Party MP Conor McGinn, to a technical bill that legalized marriage equality in Northern Ireland. The terms of the amendment guaranteed marriage equality would go into effect if Northern Ireland’s legislature failed to reconstitute.

In 2014, the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act of 2013 won passage in Parliament after months of debate, extending marriage equality to England and Wales. Later that year, the Scottish Parliament passed a similar bill, but Northern Ireland’s legislature voted against a motion introduced by Sinn Féin that would have legalized marriage equality.

In 2019, several other countries, including Austria, Taiwan and Ecuador, enacted marriage equality. Nearly two decades ago, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalize marriage equality, and today same-sex couples can legally marry in 28 countries.

HRC Foundation, through its Global program, supports the work of communities throughout the world in advocacy of marriage equality and recognition of the full rights of LGBTQ people. This month, HRC announced a major initiative to pursue strategic litigation in countries where they can make a difference. Bringing its decades of experience to the table, HRC will work with in-country partners (including local advocacy groups) and top-tier international law firms to thoughtfully identify change opportunities and support impact litigation efforts as part of broader efforts in the movement for LGBTQ equality.

This new endeavor will be complemented by HRC’s capacity-building efforts for local advocates through HRC Global’s Partnerships in Innovative Advocacy program. In addition to strategic litigation, HRC will work with organizations on topics ranging from designing advocacy campaigns, challenging discriminatory laws and policies, engaging allies and changing societal institutions to be more inclusive. HRC will engage its global alumni network of more than 125 highly respected civil rights leaders and advocates from 80-plus countries to support this work.

Learn more about HRC’s Global work around the world here.


#AM_Equality Tipsheet: October 21, 2019

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: October 21, 2019

BREAKING: HOLLY SPRINGS BECOMES FOURTH MISSISSIPPI CITY TO ENACT COMPREHENSIVE LGBTQ-INCLUSIVE NON-DISCRIMINATION PROTECTIONS: “Holly Springs has sent a clear message that all people are welcome, and all people should be protected from discrimination and bias-driven crimes in this city,” said Rob Hill (@RCH74), HRC Mississippi state director. “With four cities in Mississippi now having passed LGBTQ-inclusive non-discrimination ordinances, it is clear that Mississippians value inclusion, fairness and equality.” More from HRC.

Holly Springs just became the 4th city in Mississippi to enact comprehensive LGBTQ non-discrimination protections. We’re grateful to Mayor Kelvin Buck & the Board of Aldermen for enacting these protections & to all the activists who made this win possible. t.co/d3UrinBwxL

— Alphonso David (@AlphonsoDavid) October 19, 2019

MUST WATCH MONDAY — REMEMBERING THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MATTHEW SHEPARD AND JAMES BYRD JR. HATE CRIMES PREVENTION ACT: Cynthia Deitle (@cynthiamdeitle) of the Matthew Shepard Foundation (@MattShepardFDN) read a powerful letter from Dennis & Judy Shepard (@WyoJudyShepard) to Attorney General William Barr. Their son, Matthew, was attacked in an anti-LGBTQ hate crime and died days later. Watch the powerful video here

“Either you believe in equality for all or you don’t.”

Judy and Dennis Shepard, the parents of Matthew Shepard, had strong words for Attorney General William Barr following the Department of Justice’s long string of anti-LGBTQ stances under the Trump-Pence administration. pic.twitter.com/nATd0fsEt0

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) October 19, 2019



Each month, @HRC is honored to host @AskRayceen, a live variety program which serves as a safe space for LGBTQ people. Thank you @RayceenHRH for creating a welcoming and unifying space.t.co/wuFZC8XYId

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) October 18, 2019

MORNING MUST READ — “CELEBRATE YOUR KID’S TRANSITION. DON’T GRIEVE IT”: Meredith Talusan (@1demerith) writes beautifully for The New York Times about her own transition, pushing back against the concept of “mourning” when a trans person bravely comes out to live their truth. More from NYT.





.@HRC is proud to attend the @P_ConnectionMX Summit in Mexico to learn from business leaders working for LGBTQ diversity & inclusion.


HRC se enorgullece de asistir a la #PCMsummit 2019 en México para escuchar a líderes trabajando por la diversidad e inclusión LGBT. pic.twitter.com/PwIQqrYRTM

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) October 19, 2019

HRC IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2020 GLOBAL INNOVATIVE ADVOCACY SUMMIT: Advocates can apply until Nov. 15 to participate in the April 2020 summit. More from HRC.

READING RAINBOW – Bookmark now to read on your lunch break!

Glassdoor offers resources for employees who come out as transgender; Out Magazine reflects on the historic same-sex kiss on Dawson’s Creek

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


BREAKING: Fourth Mississippi City Enacts LGBTQ-Inclusive Non-Discrimination Protections

BREAKING: Fourth Mississippi City Enacts LGBTQ-Inclusive Non-Discrimination Protections

HRC hailed Holly Springs Mayor Kelvin Buck and the Board of Aldermen for enacting city-wide non-discrimination protections that include sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, public accommodations and employment. These protections will extend to nearly 8,000 residents in the city, nearly 80 percent of whom are Black. Holly Springs is the fourth city in Mississippi to pass a fully inclusive comprehensive non-discrimination ordinance, joining Jackson, Magnolia and Clarksdale.

“Holly Springs has sent a clear message that all people are welcome, and all people should be protected from discrimination and bias-driven crimes in this city,” said Rob Hill, HRC Mississippi state director. “With four cities in Mississippi now having passed LGBTQ-inclusive non-discrimination ordinances, it is clear that Mississippians value inclusion, fairness and equality. We’re grateful to Mayor Kelvin Buck for his leadership on this issue and to the Board of Aldermen for voting in favor of this ordinance.” 

The fully inclusive non-discrimination ordinance (NDO) passed on September 17 and was enacted into law this week. It protects people from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations, based on real or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, familial status and veteran status. The new, inclusive provision equips Holly Springs to better address bias-motivated attacks within the city by requiring training for identifying, investigating, and documenting hate crimes. The provision, which includes the same classifications protected under the NDO, also mandates that the city report hate crime statistics to the FBI. 

In 2014, HRC launched Project One America, an initiative geared towards advancing social, institutional and legal equality in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas. In 2019, Texas became a Project One America state, in recognition of HRC’s long-term commitment to the state. HRC Mississippi continues to work to advance equality for LGBTQ Mississippians who have no state level protections in housing, workplace, or public accommodations. Through HRC Mississippi, we are working toward a future of fairness every day—changing hearts, minds and laws toward achieving full equality.
