Tag Archives: berlin

The colors of love

The colors of love

artbetweenthelenses posted a photo:

The colors of love

The colors of love – Die Farben der Liebe. Eines der Fotos aus der nächsten Reihe die ich immer mal wieder posten werde. “Menschen, Farben, Emotionen” Dieses Bild habe ich als Auftakt gewählt und versuche zum einen weitere Bilder aus dem diesjährigen CSD in Berlin zu posten aber auch Menschen zu zeigen die in unterschiedlichen Situationen sind und mit der Kraft ihrer Emotionen zu dem Betrachter sprechen.
Für mich kann man hier sehr viel sehen, Freude, Erschöpfung und Bewunderung aber auch den Augenblick wo man in seiner eigenen Welt versinkt, die durch die Sonnenbrille zu sehen ist.

Die Farben der Liebe – The colors of love. One of the photos from the next series that I will post from time to time. “People, colors, emotions” I chose this picture as a start and try to post more pictures from this year’s CSD in Berlin, but also to show people who are in different situations and speak to the viewer with the power of their emotions.
For me you can see a lot here, joy, exhaustion and admiration but also the moment when you sink into your own world, which can be seen through the sunglasses.

The colors of love - CSD 2022



Babewyn posted a photo:



The collectively run Café K-fetisch, with a large café space for serving guests, and an adjoining room for lectures and events, has regular Volxkuche (German: Küfa) and women’s, lesbian, inter*, non-binary, trans*, a-gender/a-sexual evenings (German: FLINTA*), as well as book reviews.
The area on and around Weserstraße in Berlin-Neukölln has been a magnet for “young creative people” since around 2000. Until then, the neighborhood had been a working class and immigrant neighborhood, ignored by fashionable Berlin. Neuköllns heretofore residents, as is the nature of this sort of “development”, tend to lose out on the “up-cycling” of their home. On Weserstraße as well, you will come across the Rütli Schule, which once gained sad notoriety in the yellow press.
Never the less, K-fetisch is the sort of place that has become far too rare in a Berlin that wishes to become a “world class city” (Weltstadt).


Long LGBT decoration in front of the Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus, Berlin

Long LGBT decoration in front of the Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus, Berlin

nicolasmotik posted a photo:

Long LGBT decoration in front of the Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus, Berlin

In the early morning hours of 28 June 1969, a series of violent demonstrations against a police raid occurred at the Stonewall Inn of Lower Manhattan (New York) being considered as the most important movement for the LGBT rights. In July 2019, Berlin celebrated 50 years of the mentioned event as well as 40 years of Cristopher Street Day in Berlin since held for the very first time in summer 1979.

A long LGBT decoration in front of the Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus, Berlin