Steven Evans: Having Go

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So as you all know Im back from a little trip to Holland and, gotta be honest, broker than a broke thing so Im gonna go pro, well at least for a couple of weeks, I am going to take every opportunity to be online, some shows will be for hours some for 20-30 minutes so you may have to be quick to catch me but if Ive been tipped for a goal I wont leave till I get there so there wont be any disappointments, my plan is to try to get that red ink of my bank statement and needless to say your help will be greatly appreciated and I might just be wiling to go a lot further than I normally will, its pretty much no holds barred and you guys get to make the rules so if theres something you just knew I wouldnt do then this is the time to give it a go, as long as it wont leave scars is pretty much the rules but only for two weeks so get your thinking caps on and drag out your deepest fantasies cos for the next 14 days Ill be doing my best to make them all come true, think I wont do it…..try me and get ready to be surprised. First show will be tonight around 5:30 GMT so youve got a couple of hours to get your ideas together then give it a go, cant wait to hear your ideas, see you all later guys and galsall the bestSteve

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