Star Wars Gets Its First LGBT Character, But Yoda Still Sets Off Our Gaydar

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Star Wars Gets Its First LGBT Character, But Yoda Still Sets Off Our Gaydar

image001-18-624x351A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away — well, 38 years ago in Northern California — a Star Wars mega-brand was spawned. And 38 years later, the franchise includes films, video games, TV shows, books, toys, you name it.

With that comes a cast of humans and aliens whose diversity is only limited by the imagination. But it isn’t 1977 anymore, and some fans of Star Wars wish that there’d be more gay characters thrown into the mix.

Now for the first time, an LGBT character has been introduced to the canon. In Lords of the Sith, a new novel, writer Paul S. Kemp has written in a lesbian Imperial captain named Moff Mors.

Editor Shelly Shapiro spoke recently about the need for more representation in Star Wars on the podcast Full of Sith.

She said:

“You have all these different species and it would be silly to not also recognize that there’s a lot of diversity in humans. If there’s any message at all, it’s simply that Star Wars is as diverse—or more so because they have alien species—as humanity is in real life and we don’t want to pretend it’s not. It just felt perfectly natural.”

Lords of the Sith is scheduled for release on April 28th, 2015. You can preorder it here.

h/t: NewNowNext

Dan Tracer

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