Space Ronin D Issue 1

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Space Ronin D Issue 1

kingkevin posted a photo:

Space Ronin D Issue 1

I know you all have been wondering why I have been so MIA lately and why my photos have been so lazy, right?….. no one? ok. Well, I use to draw when I was little and I REALLY wanted to get back into it so I thought, what is a fun way to draw a lot? A comic!

I finally turned Space Ronin D into a comic. I had no idea it would be so much work though. I can draw and ink like 10 pages in a weekend but it takes me two weeks to color one page. I have little free time and it’s hard to sit in front of a computer and concentrate for some reason. Issue one is ALMOST done! So you can have a gander here

The comic starts out with a little brief nudity and some extreme violence so NSFW but that’s definitely not the tone of the whole comic and it’s quite light hearted and silly as it progresses. 🙂

The whole series will end up being about 5 issues so I have my work cut out for me but it’s personally rewarding. I even have plans for other comics after this one, like a high fashion coming of age splatter-slasher, called “Girls”, and a 2012 New Years party turned Wonderland/Kafkaesque creature feature called “Snow Creek”, which will be out in 2021. LOL

Space Ronin D Issue 1

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