Someone’s been handing out antigay hate literature disguised as Christmas gifts to school chidren

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Someone’s been handing out antigay hate literature disguised as Christmas gifts to school chidren


Several parents are pissed after their children’s school bus drivers handed out antigay pamphlets opposing marriage equality disguised as Christmas cards.

The incident happened just outside of Melbourne earlier this week. Up to ten–yes, ten–drivers may have been involved in the scheme. The drivers distributed the gold envelopes to the children, then instructed them to give them to their parents.

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“Somebody got [on] the school bus yesterday at the school with gift-wrapped packages with these Marriage Alliance flyers in them,” Natalie, the older sister of a 13-year-old student, tells Buzzfeed.

The man entered the bus and handed the gold envelopes to the driver, who then gave them to students. The outside of the cheery envelopes read ‘To the wonderful people who care for me every day – Merry Christmas!” So the 13-year-old brought it home to his parents.

“They thought, ‘oh it’s wrapped, it must be a Christmas card or something’, and it wasn’t.”

Instead, it was a Marriage Alliance flyer warning parents that their children could be taught about gender and sexual diversity without parental consent or knowledge if same-sex marriage is legalized in Australia and that anti-bullying programs in schools were simply covers to “promote gender ideology.”

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“If you’re going to hand out something like that, hand it out in the school newsletter or something,” Natalie says. “Don’t gift wrap it!”

School officials were quick to distance themselves from the incident, saying the pamphlet “does not represent the school’s position on marriage equality” and that they are “working with families to say that won’t happen again.”

As for Marriage Alliance, the hate group that printed the pamphlets, it too claims to have had absolutely, positively nothing to do with the incident.

“Marriage Alliance has been made aware that a volunteer was recently handing out flyers on buses in Victoria,” a spokesperson said in a statement to BuzzFeed News. “This was not an action that was part of a campaign from Marriage Alliance and is not condoned or endorsed by Marriage Alliance. This action was taken by an individual who has since been contacted regarding this matter.”

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