Some Severely Insecure Men Just Can’t With Twitter’s New Heart Icon. Can Someone Say Closet Case?

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Some Severely Insecure Men Just Can’t With Twitter’s New Heart Icon. Can Someone Say Closet Case?

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Straight dudes have it really tough. It’s like, they want to be able to show support for their bros, but how can they when someone might get the wrong idea and think they’re acting all gay?

And now that Twitter has replaced its “star” icon with a “heart,” life just got even harder for them.

Whereas before they might have “starred” a friend’s gym selfie (because damn man, you’re getting totally ripped we gotta lift together sometime), now they’re stuck “hearting” it. Which is totally gay, or something.

If the above sentences made you throw up a little in your mouth, just wait until you see what actual human men have been posting on the topic:

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Related: Here’s What Homophobia Sounds Like To “Normal” People

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Related: New Study Finds Link Between Homophobia And Psychoticism

h/t GayStarNews

Dan Tracer

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