Smallest Country In The World Passes Same-Sex Marriage, Still Waiting For Gay People

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Smallest Country In The World Passes Same-Sex Marriage, Still Waiting For Gay People

Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 12.49.30 PMPop the bubbly! Same-sex couples living on The Pitcairn Island in the Pacific Ocean are finally able to obtain a legal wedding license.

Well, as soon as they show up.

Of the 48 people who inhabit the island (yes, 48), none are gay couples-in-waiting. Sounds like a place we’d hate to be trapped on.

The “country,” the last remaining British Overseas Territory in the Pacific, actually passed the law last month, but due to a problem with its official website, wasn’t able to share the good news. When you only have 48 people, what are the odds one of them is an IT guy?

The Deputy Governor of Pitcairn, Kevin Lynch says the change came at the behest of British authorities, and was approved by the island’s local council.

Residents celebrated by going on with life as usual, whatever that is when you live on a tiny secluded island.

Dan Tracer

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