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TheIrishDevil posted a photo:


‘Cause you’re cracked don’t mean you’re broken
‘Cause you’re hurt don’t mean you’re ruined
So rise up
So rise up
Don’t stop and just keep on moving

Break me down one more time
I dare you, cross that line
Where there is nothing left to lose
I am shatterproof

I am shatterproof

A friend literally paid me to go into Epiphany and gamble for them. My reward: Pretty much free reign to keep the colors I liked most from the RIOT gacha. I saw it advertised and knew I needed the pants for absolutely certain.

…And since I was there already, I wandered around spending even more. Oy vey.

Anyway. Me wandering around in copious amounts of leather isn’t actually all that odd or different. Trying out some new eyes though.

Took this in Firestorm because I didn’t feel like switching viewers. Had to fix that blasted stitching glitch in post. Bleh.

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