Share your pronouns on your OkCupid profile

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Share your pronouns on your OkCupid profile

Match over what matters to you

Now your OkCupid profile has a dedicated space where you can share your pronouns with potential matches.

OkCupid is proud to be the first and only leading dating app to create a dedicated space on profiles for LGBTQ daters to share their pronouns. Pronouns now appear right along with the other critical attributes that make you who you are, including your gender and sexual orientation. At OkCupid our goal is to empower daters to match on what matters to them and a dedicated space for your pronouns is an important way to share your authentic self and form meaningful relationships with deep human connections.

At OkCupid, we aim to provide a fun, affirming experience for all members. To ensure this new feature accurately represents and empowers members wanting to share their pronouns, we collaborated with GLAAD, a leader itself in the promotion of LGBTQ acceptance.

“Everyone should be able to express who they are, in their own words, and to have the opportunity to find romance with someone who respects and appreciates them,” said GLAAD Vice President of Programs Zeke Stokes. “By creating a dedicated space for personal pronouns on profiles, OkCupid has taken an important step forward that raises the bar for LGBTQ-inclusion on dating apps.”

If you want to share your pronouns on your OkCupid profile, here’s how:

Now you can add your pronouns to your profile.
  • This feature is available to non-binary people and other members of the LGBTQ community. Make sure you’ve selected your gender(s). You can do this by going to your profile and clicking on profile details (where you also enter your sexual orientation, relationship status, etc).
  • Once you’ve done this, you can update your pronouns on your profile (by the ?) by either selecting a dropdown option (he/him, she/her, they/them) or typing in whatever pronouns you want — you can also remove pronouns here by selecting (leave this blank).
  • If you’ve entered your pronouns, they will show up in your details section for all other members who see your profile.

Match over what matters to you on OkCupid right now.

Share your pronouns on your OkCupid profile was originally published in The OkCupid Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.—-2cd59e7d4ed1—4

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