Seth Meyers: Anyone Associated with Trump’s ‘Monstrous’ Child Separation Policy ‘Should Resign in Disgrace’ – WATCH
Seth Meyers blasted Trump’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents as “monstrous” and “morally repugnant” in his Closer Look segment on Monday night.
He got into the segment by looking at Trump’s words of sympathy for Paul Manafort: “Trump has sympathy for a former campaign chairman accused of conspiracy against the United States and sent to jail for alleged witness tampering but what about children fleeing violence and seeking asylum with their parents? This will shock you – Trump has much less sympathy for them.”
Added Meyers: “If this policy strikes you as monstrous, and inhumane, and cruel, then you’re a decent person. In other words, you are not attorney general Jeff Sessions. Last week, Sessions defended the policy by citing the Bible.”
Meyers then played the clip of Sessions citing the apostle Paul in Romans 13.
“He cites the Bible like a guy challenging someone else’s word in Scrabble,” Meyers quipped, noting Sessions’ creepy smile. “You know who’s got to be really pissed right now, the apostle Paul. You never hear anything about that dude then all of a sudden he gets blamed for this sh*t. I know he’s an apostle, so he doesn’t swear, but seriously.”
Meyers then played a clip of Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying it’s “very biblical” to defend the law.
Said Meyers: “It’s also very biblical to stone people to death, to sleep with 600 concubines, to have conversations with flaming bushes, and to believe that a 500-year-old man built a giant boat and put giraffes on it.”
Meyers then noted that Stephen Miller “briefly took human form” over the weekend to take credit for the policy, telling the NYT that it’s a “simple policy decision by the administration to have a zero tolerance policy for illegal entry, period. The message is that no one is exempt from immigration law.”
Said Meyers: “You know you’re evil when you actually want credit for a policy this cruel. Miller’s like a serial killer who leaves clues for the police…To be absolutely clear, this Is not a law. It’s a choice by the Trump administration, and they could end it right now. And yet Trump is trying to gaslight the country into thinking it’s actually the Democrats’ fault that this policy exists. He just repeats the same lie, over and over…Trump‘s lies are starting to sound like the Tinder profile of a scammer trying to catfish you.”
Concluded Meyers: “This policy is monstrous and morally repugnant and it is being done in our name. Any elected official who doesn’t call for an immediate end to it is complicit, and anyone associated with it should resign in disgrace.”
The post Seth Meyers: Anyone Associated with Trump’s ‘Monstrous’ Child Separation Policy ‘Should Resign in Disgrace’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.
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