Rush Limbaugh Blames Gay Marriage For Incest: AUDIO

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Rush Limbaugh Blames Gay Marriage For Incest: AUDIO

Rush Limbaugh

Gays can legally marry in most states, and this is why an anonymous father and daughter in New York are planning to get married. Or so goes the logic of sentient bloviating mass that names itself Rush Limbaugh:

Do you remember how everyone laughed when we warned you people about this very thing happening once society started to redefine marriage and redefine what makes up a legitimate relationship?

Nevermind the fact that no state government, much less the federal government, will recognize this as a legitimate, legal marriage. Or that the “inbred redneck” is a pernicious stereotype about the South that has existed for generations. Or that the practice of incest predates the gay rights movement. Or that it was once just accepted as de rigueur amongst the wealthy. Or that it even appears in the Bible. Repeatedly. But no, gay marriage was what opened the floodgates and were gays not allowed to marry then we wouldn’t be dealing with fathers marrying daughters.

You can listen to Limbaugh spew his inanities AFTER THE JUMP…

Christian Walters

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