Rumored LGBT ‘Sneak Attack’ Inspires Christian Panic Rally in Indiana

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Rumored LGBT ‘Sneak Attack’ Inspires Christian Panic Rally in Indiana


Tuesday is the organizational session for the Indiana legislature and “two busloads and several caravans” of Christians are planning to meet them to protest legislation intended to protect LGBT citizens.

indianaThe Christians are being motivated by a rumored “sneak attack” to pass the legislation on the first day, reports:

At least some of those people will have been motivated by two widely shared Internet videos featuring Eric Miller, executive director of the pro-family group Advance America, warning of an Organization Day “sneak attack” by lawmakers in favor of LGBT protections.

While it is technically possible to enact legislation in one day, both House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, and Senate President David Long, R-Fort Wayne, have declared there is no “sneak attack” planned, and no proposals will be considered Tuesday.

LGBT rights group Freedom Indiana plans to be there as well, with its own rally.

Last year, as you recall, the legislature passed a “religious freedom” bill pushed by Governor Mike Pence that would have allowed businesses to discriminate against gay couples and got nationwide attention. After the measure made headlines, lawmakers put in a “fix” barring discrimination under the guise of religious liberty.

Hoosiers on both sides are on high alert and a proposal to add gender identity and sexual orientation to the state’s civil rights laws was proposed last month by Senate Democratic Leader Tim Lanane, D-Anderson.

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Andy Towle

Rumored LGBT ‘Sneak Attack’ Inspires Christian Panic Rally in Indiana

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