Robert Jeffress: Gay Wedding Cake Wars Will Escalate Into Full-Fledged Holocaust Against Christians – VIDEO

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Robert Jeffress: Gay Wedding Cake Wars Will Escalate Into Full-Fledged Holocaust Against Christians – VIDEO


Prominent opponents of same-sex marriage continue to go out with a bang.

Earlier we told you about a pledge signed by anti-LGBT leaders who claim they would go to jail in defiance of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of nationwide marriage equality. 

Among those who signed the pledge was the Rev. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Dallas. 

Jeffress also recently made yet another appearance on Fox News, where host Sean Hannity responded to Bill Maher’s claim that Christians aren’t really being persecuted in America, according to Mediaite

Jeffress agreed with Hannity and said: 

“It doesn’t rise to the level of having their head chopped off by ISIS in the Middle East, but it’s all the same attitude that allows for those attacks.

“I want to remind people that, you know, the Nazis weren’t able to take the Jews to the crematoriums immediately. The German people wouldn’t have allowed for it. Instead, the Nazis had to change public opinion. They marginalized the Jewish people, disparaged them, and make them objects of contempt.”

When even Hannity questioned whether Jeffress really believes that, the pastor responded:

“Absolutely, they are being marginalized right now, treated as objects of contempt by the media, and once that happens, then the taking away of further rights will be very easy.” 


The pro-LGBT Texas Freedom Network responded to Jeffress’ comments

Such statements aren’t just absurd. They’re also offensive to the memory of the millions of Jews and others who were slaughtered by the Nazis. Jeffress should be ashamed of himself.

Back in February, Jeffress said Christians being forced to bake gay wedding cakes was a sign of the Antichrist. Another sign? President Barack Obama


John Wright

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