RNC votes in favor of Trump’s bigoted trans military ban

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RNC votes in favor of Trump’s bigoted trans military ban

The Republican National Committee adopts Trump’s anti-trans stance despite the fact that it is opposed by the majority of Americans in all 50 states

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization released the following statement in response to the Republican National Committee passed a resolution in support of President Trump’s discriminatory transgender military ban.

“President Trump’s bigoted proposal to purge qualified military personnel is in direct contradiction to the will of the American people and what’s best for our nation’s security,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “The fact that the RNC is siding with blatant discrimination over supporting the rights of brave Americans to serve our nation displays how toxic and deeply rooted the Trump Administration’s anti-LGBTQ ideology has become.”

Polling has shown that Trump’s proposed transgender military ban is opposed by the majority of Americans in all 50 states who believe transgender people should be allowed to openly serve their country. This month GLAAD released our annual Accelerating Acceptance report, a national survey conducted on GLAAD’s behalf by The Harris Poll, which found that LGBTQ acceptance is dropping at a time when anti-LGBTQ violence and discrimination are on the rise in our current political climate.

Trump’s policy to ban transgender soldiers from openly serving in any capacity with the U.S. military summarizes the full-scale attack on LGBTQ Americans by the Trump Administration. Since President Trump’s inauguration, the administration has stopped at nothing to erase LGBTQ acceptance from the federal government. This includes appointing the most anti-LGBTQ administration in recent memory, aggressively pushing religious exemptions that promote LGBTQ discrimination, and rescinding guidance that protects transgender students at their schools. GLAAD has cataloged every anti-LGBTQ action by the Trump Administration via our Trump Accountability Project.


February 2, 2018


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