Right-Wing Talk Show Host Asks San Diego Pride, “Which Bigot Said It?” Oh, But There’s A Twist.
This weekend, talk show host Mike Slater descended upon San Diego Pride with a condescending smirk, riotous “fitted” pink shirt, and only slightly trembling microphone to grille revelers and play a little game he likes to call “Which Bigot Said It?”
Displaying photos of Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, and Sarah Palin on a whiteboard, Slater rattled off a series of searing soundbites, including:
“I think marriage is as a marriage has always been — between a man and a woman.”
“For me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.”
“Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time.”
“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.”
Oh, but there’s a “Gotcha!” here. A major “Gotcha!” Perhaps even a slightly obvious “Gotcha!” Okay, perhaps an entirely predictable “Gotcha!”
All these quotes, you see, can be attributed to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Oh, that sly fox.
Related: WATCH: Glenn Beck Defends Gay Marriage, Tells Republicans To “Expand Their Horizons”
Slater also goosed his subjects by asking, “What percentage of the male population are gay?” Answers pegged much higher than the statistic that coy little minx had under his belt: The Center for Disease Control claims that “1.8% of males are gay.”
The whole ruse was hatched for Glenn Beck’s flamingly right-wing website The Blaze. which has recently published such articles as “Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally” and “Franklin Graham’s Dire Warning in Wake of Same-Sex Marriage Ruling.”
We predict less than 1.8% of gay males will enjoy the flaccid segment, which you can watch below:
Derek de Koff
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