Rick Santorum Takes Last Fruitless Jab At Marriage Freedom, Insists “We Must Protect The Children!”
The Southern Baptist Convention officially declared war on gay marriage this week. Now, failed 2012 presidential candidate and
eternal 2016 hopeful Rick Santorum is joining the cause, despite the fact that marriage equality is most likely about to become the law of the land. What is this, some kind of rhetorical last stand?
During a conference call, Santorum was asked what he would do as president about the fact that “our children are being forced to accept lifestyles that are totally against our values.” The caller went on to ask why “our government allows people that hurt children by way of child molestation” to impose their beliefs on others.
Related: Rick Santorum Will Fight The Supreme Court Against Marriage Equality
Right Wing Watch has obtained a recording. In it, Santorum wastes no time answering the question: “That’s one of the reasons why I talk about the importance of focusing on the nuclear family.”
He then added that the next president should focus on fighting for the rights of innocent children and ensuring they are raised by two parents of the opposite sex. None of this two dads or two moms or single moms or single dads business.
The not-a-chance-in-hell-contender added that if the Supreme Court strikes down state bans on gay marriage later this month “that doesn’t mean we won’t fight and try to push back both as the Congress should and as the president should as a co-equal branch of the government.”
Because that wouldn’t be a complete waste of everyone’s time.
Related: Rick Santorum’s Wife On Her Husband’s View Of Gays: “He Loves Them”
Graham Gremore
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