Richard Branson, Neil Amin-Smith, Earthquake Survivor, Chris Christie, Kevin Swanson, Michael Sam: HOT LINKS

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Richard Branson, Neil Amin-Smith, Earthquake Survivor, Chris Christie, Kevin Swanson, Michael Sam: HOT LINKS

GIULIA. Incredible moment as 10-year-old girl, Giulia, is pulled alive from the rubble in Amatrice 17 hours after Italian earthquake that has taken more than 250 lives so far.

Kim Davis Chris ChristieCHRIS CHRISTIE. NJ Governor crafted Trump’s immigration flip-flop, says Giuliani: “And, Giuliani says, even more Christie-inspired changes to Trump’s immigration stance will be forthcoming, like his call for tracking immigrant visas like Fedex packages, and using the E-Verify system to reduce illegal labor.”

DONATIONS. Mafia-linked businessman visits Trump Tower, gives $5,400 to campaign: “The businessman, Felix Sater, also donated the maximum allowable contribution to Trump’s presidential campaign, according to the campaign’s most recent FEC filing. Sater, whose firm co-developed a major Trump project in New York and who was later hired by Trump to drum up business in the former USSR, has said that he closely associated with Trump and his family, while Trump has suggested he wouldn’t even recognize Sater.”

STEVE BANNON. Trump campaign chief registered to vote at vacant Florida home.

RICHARD BRANSON. Virgin chief in near-death bike accident. “I really thought I was going to die. I went flying head-first towards the concrete road, but fortunately my shoulder and cheek took the brunt of the impact, and I was wearing a helmet that saved my life (however, perhaps they should build bike helmets that protect the side of the face too – does anyone know of one?). My bike went flying off the cliff and disappeared. We’ve since recovered the crumpled bicycle, completely destroyed. My cheek has been badly damaged and my knee, chin, shoulder and body severely cut.”

My life flashed before my eyes – fell headfirst over my bike handlebars

— Richard Branson (@richardbranson) August 26, 2016

2_lewisHRC. John Lewis and Tim Kaine to speak at National Dinner. “Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Kaine has spent his entire career fighting for the equal rights of all Americans,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “As part of the most pro-equality presidential ticket in American history, Tim Kaine will help ensure another four years of unprecedented progress for LGBTQ equality in this country and around the world. Representative John Lewis is an American hero, and his lifelong work for the civil rights of all people has transformed our nation. In his nearly three decades on Capitol Hill, Representative Lewis has been one of the strongest and most outspoken champions of LGBTQ equality. With all the progress we have made under President Obama, Tim Kaine and John Lewis will remind all of us just how important it is that we fight to elect a President who will champion LGBTQ equality every single day she sits in the Oval Office. We are honored to welcome them both to our 20th annual National Dinner.”

heartbreakersHEARTBREAKERS. The inside story of North Dakota’s only gay bar: “Heartbreakers, however, illustrates the challenges of running a gay bar in a state where there are few resources for LGBTQ people, let alone gay clubs. North Dakota is a state that’s not only legislatively hostile to queer folks but also geographically difficult to live in. Heartbreakers stands in the middle of downtown Williston — and when it opened, it became the only LGBTQ bar in North Dakota. If Williston residents want to go to a gay or lesbian club elsewhere, they have to travel all the way to Billings, Montana, five hours away. Winnipeg, Minneapolis, and Sioux Falls are a day’s journey.”

Donald TrumpMICHELANGELO SIGNORILE. WTF on reporters and Trump’s alleged support for gay rights? “Latest example: Week before last, the Washington Post‘s Phillip Rucker, in a storyheadlined, “For Millennial Voters, the Clinton vs. Trump Choice ‘Feels Like a Joke,’” claimed that both Hillary Clinton and Trump are reaching out to millennials even though millennials supposedly aren’t interested in either. Now, it’s hard to find any examples of Trump even talking about millennials — unlike Clinton many times discussing college tuition, for example, or discussing outreach to Bernie Sanders’ supporters — so Rucker grasps in giving an example of Trump not “ceding” this demographic.”

KEVIN SWANSON. “Kill the gays” pastor Kevin Swanson claims Steven Spielberg and Lady Gaga, along with Charles Darwin, Aristotle, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche have all been possessed by the devil.

HUGH ELLIOTT. Gay people made Hollywood, but you wouldn’t know it from the movies: “Who, exactly, is this mystery audience confounded by movie leads acting straight? Gay men would believe it. Hell, we’re experts on that grift. I can’t imagine women really care. The ultimate concern of course is that precious young male heterosexual demographic, the one whose buying powers are legend. Just knowing your screen hero is gay could call into question what it means to be masculine, what it means to be yourself, what it really is to be a man who is honest about who he loves. Perish the thought. What would ever happen then?”

NEIL AMIN-SMITH. The Clean Bandit singer shows some skin for Gay Times.

Neil Amin-Smith

ORDER UP. Cheeky drive-thru attendant knows how to work the window.

FRIDAY FLESH. Michael Sam.

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The post Richard Branson, Neil Amin-Smith, Earthquake Survivor, Chris Christie, Kevin Swanson, Michael Sam: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

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