Restore Pizza’s Good Name And Help Homeless LGBT Youth With #Pizza4Equality

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Restore Pizza’s Good Name And Help Homeless LGBT Youth With #Pizza4Equality

heart-shaped-pizza-garry-gayIn light of recent discriminatory dinner (or hungover breakfast) donations, the gold standard of bachelor delivery has had its gooey name sullied. But one group is trying to change all that.

Religious freedom Inequality lovers Crystal and Kevin O’Connor of Indiana’s Memories Pizza have raised $842,592 after they said they’d turn away business based on their feelings about LGBT people. A campaign called #Pizza4Equality is now underway to restore pizza’s good name while raising cash for Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Fund benefitting homeless LGBT youth.

Supporters are asked to donate the cost of one pizza in their area (though larger donations are welcomed) in an effort to match the unsettling $842,592 raised by Memories. As of this post, a respectable $47,097 has been reached.

The campaign’s creator, Scott Wooledge, writes:

Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Fund has set April 29 as the first national #40toNoneDay  to end #LGBT youth homelessness! And I thought, would it not be totally awesome if we equality supporters (and pizza lovers) could match that #MemoriesPizza  “charity” by April 29?  Can we match their amount and help homeless youth get off the street, learn life skills and get an education and jobs? I’m an dreamer, but I say yes, we can!

Head here for more info.

Dan Tracer

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