Raven-Symone now sorry for her ‘lack of empathy towards name discrimination’

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Raven-Symone now sorry for her ‘lack of empathy towards name discrimination’

Raven-Symone, under fire for saying on The View that she would discriminate against someone with a ‘ghetto’ name, is clarifying remarks that even her own father publicly knocked her for.

‘My comment was in poor taste,’ she said in a Facebook post late Sunday. ‘My lack of empathy towards name discrimination was uncalled for.’

The former child star made her remarks last week during a conversation with her fellow co-hosts about new study released in the Journal of Evolution and Human Behavior.

She said if she were an employer looking to make a hire, she would not consider any names that sounded too ethnic.

‘I’m not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea,’ she said. ‘It’s just not going to happen. I’m not going to hire you.’

She now says: ‘My comments about discrimination have spun out of control. I’d like to begin by saying that I was not attacking a specific race, but repeating a name that was said in a viral video which has received over 2 million likes.

I have been denied many jobs because of my skin color, body size, and age. Each time I was rejected, my self esteem was negatively effected, so empathize with those who feel victimized by what I said. We would hope that when it comes to hiring, our names, physical appearance, sexual orientation, and age would never outweigh our qualifications, but often times, they do, that’s the truth and it sucks. But I should not be part of the problem, I should be part of the solution.’

She had received widespread criticism for her remarks – even from her own father who called it an ‘inexcusable gaffe.’

‘She’s a grown ass woman making grown ass mistakes,’ Christopher B. Pearman wrote in a Facebook post over the weekend. ‘We all have been guilty of this.’

‘Raven is a really Beautiful, Sweethearted, Human Being.I should know. Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes……….she says some dumb S#%T!’

The post Raven-Symone now sorry for her ‘lack of empathy towards name discrimination’ appeared first on Gay Star News.

Greg Hernandez


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