Rand Paul: Kim Davis’ Protest Against Gay Marriage is ‘Part of the American Way’

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Rand Paul: Kim Davis’ Protest Against Gay Marriage is ‘Part of the American Way’

Kim Davis

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul appeared on Boston Herald Radio this morning and was asked about Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis and her decision to defy the U.S. Supreme Court and refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Rand Paul the American waySaid Paul:

“You know I think one way to get around the whole idea of what the Supreme Court is forcing on the states is for states to just get out of the business of giving out licenses. Alabama has already voted to do this…anybody can make a contract and then if you want a marriage contract you go to a church. And so, I’ve often said we could have got around all of this, also, in the sense that I do believe everybody has the right to a contract. There never should have been any limitations on people of the same sex having contracts. But I do object to the state putting its imprimatur to the specialness of marriage, on something that’s different than most people defined as marriage for most of history. So one way is just getting the state out completely. I think that’s what we’re heading towards, actually. Whether or not people who still work for the state can do it without the legislature changing it, is something I’m going to leave up to the courts exactly how to do it. But I think people who do stand up and are making a stand to say they do believe in something is part of the American way.”


Davis made national headlines again this morning when she again denied same-sex couples who had come to her office to get a marriage license.

READ all of Towleroad’s Kim Davis coverage HERE.

Supporters for and against Davis assembled outside the Rowan County clerk’s office and the police were called to disperse the crowds. A crowd of people made it inside Davis’s office and began chanting at the bigoted clerk, “Do your job.” The chant inspired an internet meme and Davis began trending on Twitter.

Davis told a gay couple who had come to apply for a marriage license that she was willing to accept the consequences for defying the Supreme Court and declared that ‘you all’ (e.g., gays) must also be willing to face ‘the consequences’:

“I’m willing to face my consequences as you all will face your consequences when it comes time for judgment.”

A motion to hold Davis in contempt of court was filed by two gay couples and a U.S. District Judge set a hearing for September 3 at 11 am. Read the filing here.

Davis released a statement that the question of allowing same-sex marriage “is a Heaven or Hell decision” that centers on her “religious freedom”.

Read it HERE.

The post Rand Paul: Kim Davis’ Protest Against Gay Marriage is ‘Part of the American Way’ appeared first on Towleroad.

Andy Towle

Rand Paul: Kim Davis’ Protest Against Gay Marriage is ‘Part of the American Way’

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