Rainbow Generation:Nicole

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Rainbow Generation:Nicole

sibyl vane. posted a photo:

Rainbow Generation:Nicole

-Who are you?

My name is Nicole O’Reilly, and I’m a 24 year old filmmaker who’s lived in Glasgow all her life. Who am I outside that? Uhh UHHHHH UHHHHH – runs away

– What do you identify as?

I’m a pansexual trans woman (although tbf when it comes to guys I’m into its very few and far between, but they’re out there somewhere). Been transitioning since 2012, which is great since that’s when the world was meant to end, woah.

– How do you think it is being LGBT in this time and place?

Honestly? As a white trans woman who tends to blend in a bit and gets mistaken for cis now and then, it ain’t that bad. Especially here in Glasgow. I’ve only ever gotten nasty stuff from people once and that was fairly early on, and even that was just a “haha shemale” comment now and then, oh nooooo, they got me there! To be fair though I have had to deal with stuff like family slowly coming to terms with who I am which took them a while and was difficult for me at times, but right now things seem to be improving at a steady rate! Also here in Glasgow there’s various things I can use my trans status to work my way into queer artsy spaces when I play my cards right.

Rainbow Generation:Nicole

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