Rachel Maddow Shows Some Love to Gay Tech Bears Who Own Jeb Bush Presidential Campaign Website: VIDEO

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Rachel Maddow Shows Some Love to Gay Tech Bears Who Own Jeb Bush Presidential Campaign Website: VIDEO


In a segment on an odd set of stories from Oregon, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow took a look at CJ Phillips and Charlie Rainwater – the self-described high-tech bear couple who bought www.JebBushForPresident.com back in 2008 and are using the site “as a platform to educate our friends and family about political impact to LGBT families.”

Maddow, who called the story “the single most amazing thing you need to know about Oregon today”, also used the segment to educate her viewers about bears – or as she calls them “everyone’s favorite happy gay subculture.”


[h/t jmg]

the bear segment starts at 11:00

Kyler Geoffroy


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