Qatar, Jared Kushner, TLC, Alex Honnold, Al Green, James Clapper, Danish Footballers: HOT LINKS

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Qatar, Jared Kushner, TLC, Alex Honnold, Al Green, James Clapper, Danish Footballers: HOT LINKS

ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT. Rep. Al Green is drawing them up: “The articles have little chance of seeing the light of day in a House chamber controlled by Republicans, who have rallied behind Trump amid multiple investigations into ties between Russia and members of the president’s inner circle. But Green’s gambit highlights the growing apprehension many Democrats have toward the president, and it’s sure to energize a liberal base that’s sounded the impeachment alarm with increasing volume as the Russian investigation saga has evolved.”

James ClapperCLAPPER. Watergate pales in comparison to Trump-Russia probe: “I lived through Watergate. I was on active duty then as a young officer in the Air Force, and it was a scary time. But it was against the backdrop of all the post-Vietnam trauma, which seemed, at least in my memory, amplified the crisis in our system with Watergate…I have to say though that I think when you compare the two, Watergate pales, really, in my view, compared to what we’re confronting now.”

MISTRIAL. Mistrial declared in case of church members who beat gay man to exorcise his ‘homosexual demons’.

greg abbott bathroom billTEXAS. Governor Greg Abbott revives stalled anti-trans bathroom bill: “Mr. Abbott, a Republican, ordered a 30-day special session starting in July and put on the agenda a bathroom bill that would prevent municipalities from passing anti-discrimination ordinances designed to protect transgender people. The special-session agenda also includes bills that would limit property taxes and keep several state agencies operating.”

MORE FAMOUS THAN I AM. Isn’t that the kiss of death?

President Trump: Jared Kushner has “become much more famous than me… I’m a little bit upset about that”

— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 6, 2017

DETROIT. Rainbow flag raised for first time in Hart Plaza.

malta-mapMALTA. New Prime Minister promises to legalize same-sex marriage: “Muscat has promised to cut taxes and raise pensions, tackle traffic congestion, and legalize gay marriage. The 43-year-old Muscat will be sworn in on Monday, after which he will begin forming his new government that will have a five-year mandate. About 92 percent of the island’s 342,000 eligible voters cast a ballot, the electoral commission said.”

GEORGIA. Gay Republican Danny Ellyson, a business owner and disabled Iraq War veteran mounts campaign against U.S. Rep. Austin Scott, R-Tifton, in Georgia’s 8th congressional district: “He’s operating under the umbrella of Brand New Congress, a political action committee started by more than a dozen volunteers from Sanders’ presidential campaign that’s pushing for evicting Washington’s “corrupt and complacent political establishment.” The group aims to recruit grassroots candidates that emphasize many of Sanders’ signature policies, including free college, overhauling the criminal justice system and removing big money from politics.”

DENMARK. Danish footballers take stand against homophobia.

Danish national footballteam take a strong stand against #homophobia as #Denmark plays #Germany tonight #LGBT #DENGER

— Amnesty Danmark (@amnestydk) June 6, 2017

UK. Gang of 9 youths beats gay couple in Shropshire park: “Matthew Seward and his partner were walking home between 11.30pm and midnight on Saturday after enjoying a couple of drinks in Whitchurch, when the group of about nine youths men set upon them pair. During the attack the pair were beaten and kicked, which resulted in 32-year-old Mr Seward needing to go to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital where he was treated and had his cuts stitched up. The assault happened near to the toilets in Jubilee Park.”

QATAR. Russian hackers planted fake news: “US investigators believe Russian hackers breached Qatar’s state news agency and planted a fake news report that contributed to a crisis among the US’ closest Gulf allies, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.”

CLIMB OF THE DAY. Alex Honnold climbed Yosemite’s El Capitan without rope or safety gear.

COMMUNITY REFERRAL SERVICE. Looking back at Indianapolis’s Gay Switchboard: “The Community Referral Service of Indianapolis was a simple thing. It consisted of a phone number patched to an answering service. The answering service sent alerts to an on-call “operator” through a pager. Operators, armed with a three-ring binder they’d crammed with wide-ranging information, took shifts answering the page. The incoming queries varied: Where can I find a doctor who’s comfortable treating a gay man? A divorce lawyer who’d understand? A therapist? Where are the gay bars? Where are the bath houses?”

LANDING OF THE DAY. SpaceX’s glorious landing.


AUDITION OF THE DAY. Deaf singer Mandy Harvey on America’s Got Talent.

HUMP DAY HOTTIE. Juanfer De La Torre.

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Qatar, Jared Kushner, TLC, Alex Honnold, Al Green, James Clapper, Danish Footballers: HOT LINKS

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