Proposed Obamacare repeal deal could drastically cut access to transgender healthcare

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Proposed Obamacare repeal deal could drastically cut access to transgender healthcare

After last month’s failure, the Trump Administration is once again lobbying House Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The emerging reworked repeal contains language to defund Planned Parenthood, which is one of the largest providers of transgender healthcare in the United States.

On top of providing LGBTQ-inclusive sexual and reproductive health services, STD testing, birth control, and physical exams, a growing number of PPFA centers provide hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for people who are transgender.

“The repeated attacks on Planned Parenthood and accessible healthcare have a direct impact on transgender people and their lives,” said Nick Adams, director of GLAAD’s Transgender Media Program. “Transgender Americans already face extremely high barriers when it comes to accessing safe and comprehensive healthcare. We cannot allow established resources to be lost.”

In many rural areas across the nation, Planned Parenthood is the only option for transgender people to find safe and inclusive care – services that are vital for their health and well-being.

According to a study by the National Center for Transgender Equality, 29% of transgender Americans live in poverty, compared to 14% of the general population. Transgender people of color are three times more likely to live in poverty. Nearly one-quarter (23%) of respondents reported that they did not seek the health care they needed due to fear of being mistreated as a transgender person, and 33% did not go to a health care provider when needed because they could not afford it. One out of four transgender people experienced a problem with their insurance related to being transgender, such as being denied coverage for care related to transition or being denied coverage for primary care simply because they were transgender. One-third (33%) of those who saw a health care provider had at least one negative experience related to being transgender in that medical setting.

BACKGROUND: Planned Parenthood Centers that offer HRT








New Hampshire

New York

North Carolina






May 2, 2017

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