Priests Bless Gay Couples in Symbolic Wedding as 1000+ LGBT People March Through Havana: VIDEO
More than 1,000 LGBT people marched through the streets of Havana, Cuba on Saturday in a procession organized by President Raul Castro’s daughter Mariela, a longtime activist for equality.
The march included a symbolic gay wedding, The Guardian reports:
The couples held hands or embraced as American and Canadian protestant clergy members blessed them. It was part of official ceremonies leading up to the Global Day against Homophobia on 17 May…
“Our family accepts us but society doesn’t,” said Raúl Orta, who “married” his partner of 13 years, Yaimel Medina. “If one us is no longer here tomorrow, the other one loses everything. That’s not right.”
The parade, with the beat of conga drums and the waving of rainbow-colored banners, gave gay Cubans and their supporters a rare opportunity to celebrate without fear.
Watch the BBC’s report, AFTER THE JUMP…
RELATED: Want to Go to Cuba? 6 Tours Specifically for LGBT Travelers
Andy Towle
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