Presidential Hopeful Ben Carson Believes Prison Turns People Gay

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Presidential Hopeful Ben Carson Believes Prison Turns People Gay

ben_-_headshot_scrubs_2_0It’s starting. We’re still more than a year and a half away from the 2016 election and Republican Presidential hopefuls are already coming out of the woodwork to say all sorts of crazy shit about gay people.

Jeb Bush has proclaimed his vehement disapproval of gay marriage. Now, Ben Carson has hopped aboard the antigay bandwagon.

During an appearance on CNN with Chris Cuomo, Carson was asked if people have control over their sexuality.

“Absolutely!” the doctor replied.

When asked if being gay is a choice, he echoed his previous response.

“Absolutely!” he said. “Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out they’re gay.”

Say what?

“Did something happen while they were in there?” Carson asked, rhetorically. “Ask yourself that question.”

“Most gay people never go to prison,” Cuomo replied.

“Here’s what’s important,” Carson said. “Why do gay people want to get married? Because they want various rights…Why can’t any two human beings, I don’t care what their sexual orientation is, why can’t they have the legal rights to do those things?”

“That’s what they’re fighting for,” Cuomo replied, sounding somewhat confused by Carson’s statement.

“Okay, that does not require changing the definition of marriage,” Carson concluded.

“But it would require covering that union as you do others which is called ‘marriage’ in our society,” Cuomo countered.

To which Carson simply shook his head and said, “I don’t think so.”

Watch Carson talk in circles in the video below.

Graham Gremore

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