Poll: Majority of Young Adults in America Support Pro-LGBTQ Policies
Results of a new GenForward survey show overwhelming support among young adults for policies benefiting LGBTQ people in employment, health care, adoption, and more.
Conducted by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago with The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, the survey of young adults ages 18 to 30 was designed to assess the views of America’s young adult population with an emphasis on how race and ethnicity shape the opinions of a new generation.
The survey’s key findings:
- 92 percent support for HIV and AIDS prevention
- 90 percent support for equal employment
- 80 percent support for LGBTQ adoption
A large majority also support better training of law enforcement on transgender issues, government support for LGBTQ youth organizations, and insurance coverage for transgender health issues.
“It has been widely documented that public sentiment in support of policies that advance LGBT rights like same sex marriage has evolved rapidly over the past few decades,” the report stated. “… Large majorities of young adults across race and ethnicity groups support a range of LGBT policy issues. It seems that this generation of young adults have grown even more supportive of LGBT rights over the past two years.”
These findings are particularly compelling given the emerging power of the youth vote at a time when anti-LGBTQ positions are still being advanced by candidates up and down the ballot, in states and races across America, including GOP Presidential nominee Donald Trump.
As noted today by HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride in The Advocate, Donald Trump is “committed to appointing anti-equality judges to the federal bench, supports a bill legalizing Kim Davis-style discrimination, and endorsed the ability of states like North Carolina to pass discriminatory and hateful anti-LGBTQ bills.”
“Trump’s campaign is not a collection of ignorant statements. It is a candidacy of hate and fear that poses serious risks to people of color, women, people with disabilities, immigrants, and LGBTQ people,” she continued.
Trump has vowed time and again to oppose LGBTQ equality and roll back progress for our country. His policy positions are extreme and dangerous — and would deeply impact the lives of real people if implemented. Trump has attempted to obfuscate his views because he knows they are out of step with the vast majority of voters who will go to the polls in November.
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