Poll: 63% say Kim Davis should be required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky

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Poll: 63% say Kim Davis should be required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky

Regardless of her religious objections, a majority of Americans believe Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis should be required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Davis spent several days in a Kentucky jail for defying a federal judge’s order that she allow licenses to be issued. After returning to work this week, Davis allowed her deputies to issue licenses but had her name removed from them.

Of the random 1,003 adults surveyed nationwide in a Washington Post-ABC News poll,  63% believe she should be required, 33% said she should not be and 4% had no opinion.

Nearly half of those polled – 45% – supported the decision by a federal judge that Davis be sent to jail for defying his order.

Respondents were also asked which do they think is most important when it comes to a conflict between someone’s religious beliefs and everyone being treated equally under the law.

Of the Democrats polled, 80% said people should be treated equally under law and 75% of the Independents agreed. Of the Republicans polled, 66% put equal treatment over religious beliefs.

Davis gets her strongest support from White evangelical Protestants. In addition, 38% of  the Republicans who are supportive of Davis favor Donald Trump in the Republican Party presidential primaries.

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Greg Hernandez


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