Plan To Make Your Summer Brighter With Neon Underwear

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Plan To Make Your Summer Brighter With Neon Underwear

Neon5Antonio Martinez models the neon accents and assets missing from your drawer in the latest Underwear Expert exclusive shoot by Jerrad Matthew. Neon underwear may not be every man’s idea of fun and sexy, but that’s what the bright, saturated splashes boil down to – sexy fun, and with energy to boot. Sometimes it’s a charming flash to accent a pair’s fabric. Sometimes it’s the entire fabric for an unmissable pair.

Gregg Homme’s Fake-It Boxer Brief and the 2eros Neon Brief both use a single color to add some spark to a black underwear body. Gregg Homme uses theirs sexually – no surprise there. The crossed neon blue band is actually used to enhance your package, which itself rests in a see-through pouch. 2eros plays a different game. Their neon underwear is sporty with bright pink accents best seen on the waistband and horizontal pouch.

From the front, Andrew Christian’s Trophy Boy Bubble Butt Jock looks tame. But we all know better than that. The heather grey tones down the neon pink and yellow seams, but the four rear straps — count ‘em — are the new definition of “hot pink.”

You can see more of this photo shoot on The Underwear Expert.


Photo Credit: Jerrad Matthew Exclusively for The Underwear Expert

Underwear Expert

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