PHOTO: Lenny Kravitz Rips His Pants, Resulting In Full Frontal Flash On Stage
Everyone’s heard of a nip slip, but a dick slip? That seems to defy physics.
But the “Fly Away” singer likely surprised even himself when he had a little (or not so little) wardrobe malfunction during a show yesterday in Stockholm.
Kravitz was wearing leather trousers with nothing on underneath, which sounds simultaneously badass and swampass. The trousers ripped when he crouched down and bam — there was Lenny’s Kravitz for the diehard fans who’d arrived early enough to pack the front of the stage.
A fan described what happened next to a local paper:
“The producer stepped up and said that they had some problems onstage. A bit later Kravitz came out wearing other trousers. He said ‘sorry, I ripped my trousers’.”
Another fan explained, likely between bouts of laughter:
“It was insane, I killed myself laughing. And then I called my mum who was there at the show as well. Her reaction was the same and she almost killed herself laughing too.”
And for the record, Kravitz has rings that don’t go anywhere near his fingers. Who knew?
See the photo (slightly NSFW) here.
Dan Tracer
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