Philip Williams And Katherine Knott, Philadelphia Gay Beating Case Defendants, Turn Themselves In

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Philip Williams And Katherine Knott, Philadelphia Gay Beating Case Defendants, Turn Themselves In
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Three people accused of beating of a gay couple during a late-night encounter on a Philadelphia street have turned themselves in.

Police say 24-year-old Philip Williams, 24-year-old Katherine Knott and 26-year-old Kevin Harrigan surrendered Wednesday morning. Prosecutors say they each face charges including aggravated assault and criminal conspiracy. Williams’ attorney Fortunato Perri Jr. says the case was not related to anyone’s sexual orientation. He calls the incident a “mutual confrontation” in which his client “was not the aggressor.” Knott’s attorney said his client played no role in the altercation.

A message left for Harrigan’s attorney wasn’t immediately returned.

The case gained attention when police posted a video of the well-dressed suspects and online sleuths used social media sites to help identify them.

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