Peter Thiel’s Data-Mining Start-Up: No Asians!
Literally no one should be surprised that one of prominent Donald Trump supporter Peter Thiel’s companies employs hiring practices that are comparable to the sexual criteria of the worst douche nozzles on gay hook-up apps. The gay tech bazillionaire who brought down Gawker this summer and is rumored to be on Trump’s shortlist of possible supreme court nominees has a history of opposing diversity in hiring. In 2013, he co-authored a screed against Affirmative Action for Stanford Magazine, as well as a 1999 book decrying multiculturalism in higher education that drew criticism from former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Stanford University’s then-provost.
Now the Department of Labor is suing Thiel’s troubled data-mining startup Palantir — which appears to be named after the evil crystal balls from The Lord of the Rings — for systematically discriminating against Asian applicants in its hiring practices.
According to the complaint, filed on Monday, Palantir hired only 11 Asian applicants compared to 14 non-Asians from a pool of 1,160 applicants, 85 percent of whom were Asian.
In a statement, the company denied the DoL’s allegations: “Despite repeated efforts to highlight the results of our hiring practices, the Department of Labor relies on a narrow and flawed statistical analysis relating to three job descriptions from 2010 to 2011.”
Earlier this year, Buzzfeed posted a deep dive into the secretive company based on internal documents that revealed it was hemorrhaging top clients. As of press time there has been no report yet on how fats and femmes fair at Palantir.
H/T: Vice News
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