PBS launches crowdfunding campaign for season two of LGBTQ web series 'First Person'
PBS Digital Studios and WNET New York are bringing back the LGBTQ documentary web series First Person for a second season, and have launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the production. First Person showcases the diverse members of the LGBTQ community and explores often-underrepresented issues through personal narratives. The First Person team hopes the campaign will both raise funds to cover the production costs of a full twenty episode season and give audiences a chance to voice their ideas for the direction of the show. Season two will be hosted by out comedian Mike Kelton, check out the video below to learn more.
The series’ first season featured several guests including trans YouTuber Skylar Kergil, non-binary trans poet and speaker Tyler Ford, and dealt with issues ranging from growing up intersex to bisexual erasure.
First Person’s season two crowdfunding campaign will run until Friday, July 8th. Their twenty episode first season is available on their YouTube Channel.
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