Paul Ryan Accused Of Being “The Homosexual Lobby’s Trojan Horse For Speaker”
When it comes to gay rights advocates in Washington, D.C., we think it’s safe to say that Rep. Paul Ryan doesn’t make anyone’s short list.
Ryan supported DOMA in 2013; he supported DADT in 2012; he voted in favor of a constitution ban on same-sex marriage in 2004; he voted to ban gay adoptions in 1999; and he has a zero percent rating with the HRC. That does not an LGBTQ ally make.
Related: WATCH: Gay Marriage Is Not A “Universal Human Value,” Says Paul Ryan
Yet for some reason one conservative lobbying group feels Mr. Ryan is “the homosexual lobby’s Trojan Horse for Speaker.”
Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the U.S., just issued a bombastic call to action to his fellow “pro-family Americans” about Ryan and his candidacy for Speaker of the House.
“Dear Pro-Family American,” the letter begins. “It’s crucial you call 202-224-3121 right away and urge your Congressman to oppose Paul Ryan’s bid for Speaker of the House.”
Related: Ryan Vows Romney Administration Would Defend DOMA, Fight Gay Marriage
Why it is so crucial? Because, the letter continues, “Paul Ryan co-sponsored and voted for the dangerous Gay Bill of Special Rights in 2007 (H.R. 3685) — a bill that will trample the Constitutional Rights of thousands of Americans.”
According to the letter, the “Gay Bill of Special Rights” granted “‘protected class’ status to sexual deviants” while at the same time threatening “the religious freedoms of private businesses and religious institutions who seek to uphold traditional morality in their hiring practices and everyday operation.”
In truth, the “Gay Bill of Special Rights” was actually called the “Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007” that made it illegal to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientations, and it had absolutely nothing to do with anyone’s religious freedoms. Moreover, the bill was passed by the House in November 2007, but it died in the Senate.
Related: GOP Presidential Debate Shows Just How Crazy Republicans Are Right Now
Yet the folks over at Public Advocate of the U.S. are still furious about it… nearly eight years later.
“Ryan thinks he can hide from his past record of voting to throw conservatives under the bus as he runs for the most powerful position in the House,” the letter states. “I need you to sign your petition to your Congressman too and tell them, ‘a vote for Paul Ryan for Speaker is a vote against Traditional Values.’”
The letter concludes: “And once you’ve signed your petition below, please consider giving your most generous contribution to support Public Advocate’s nationwide pressure to stop Paul Ryan’s dangerous bid for House Speaker.”
Related: Hear From Closeted Gay Republicans Cruising Grindr At CPAC
Graham Gremore
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