Pat Robertson On Gays And Muslims: Let Them Kill Themselves

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Pat Robertson On Gays And Muslims: Let Them Kill Themselves

pat_robertson_a_3Pat Robertson finally broke his silence about the Pulse shooting, despite no one asking him. Previously, a satirical fake-news site had posted a story claiming Robertson said the Orlando shooting was punishment for marriage equality, although it was quickly proven false by Snopes. His actual statement, unfortunately, came out just as bad.

Robertson is clearly still stinging from the spanking handed down by the Supreme Court with their ruling on marriage equality. Not one to take defeat quietly, and of course never one to care about details, Robertson has once again come out swinging against liberals, homosexuals, Muslims, and pretty much anyone else he doesn’t like. In particular he grouped all Muslims them together with the shooter, because apparently all Muslims support that guy’s beliefs.

Granted, Robertson points out the (unfortunately true) fact that many predominantly Muslim countries still enforce laws against same-sex relations, but he then makes the jump to claim executing LGBT people “is a religious belief [of Muslims] … deeply ingrained in the people.” He is a master at the bait-and-switch: start with a little fact, and then add a bunch of hogwash behind it and fool people into thinking all of it is true.

Robertson has decided “The Left” favors two groups: The Muslims, and The Homosexuals. Supposedly with its two favorite groups not getting along, The Left is experiencing a crisis of conviction. The Muslims, well just one but all of them support the idea, murdered some Homosexuals, and now The Liberals have find a way to explain away this problem. Therefore, he believes the Orlando tragedy hurt the liberal agenda, and Robertson is licking his lips as he waits to watch The Left’s empire crumble. Robertson tell his audience that “The Left is having a dilemma of major proportions, and I think for those of us who disagree with some of their policies, the best thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and let them kill themselves.”

It is of course depressingly ironic to watch Robertson attempt to prove Muslims are to be feared because they are all extremists, while he is preaching an extremist view of Christianity. He didn’t endorse killing anyone directly, but he nonetheless suggests it is fine if they somehow all just, whoopsie, make each other be dead. When are the actors in Modern Family going to tell their bosses at ABC (which owns Freeform, the network that broadcasts Robertson’s The 700 Club) that the network needs to stop broadcasting hate speech? Pontificating is one thing, but now he’s talking about people deserving to die.

Most of Robertson’s other comments throughout the show are a mix of rambling nonsense and paranoia. He seems to have morphed into the crazy elderly uncle who spends all of Thanksgiving dinner talking about where Obama was really born and the existence of  The Free Masons.

But if you must, witness his statement for yourself in these two clips:

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