Pat Robertson: Gay Rights Advocates 'are Terrorists…Radicals…and Extremists' — VIDEO

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Pat Robertson: Gay Rights Advocates 'are Terrorists…Radicals…and Extremists' — VIDEO


Last week, the right-wing freaked out over subpoenas sent to Houston area pastors for “all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to HERO, the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession.”

HERO, is Houston’s LGBT-inclusive Equal Rights Ordinance and the subpoenas, which were acknowledged to be too broad by Mayor Annise Parker and were issued by outside attorneys working for the city pro bono, were being used to find out if there were specific instructions from area pastors to their congregations about how to fill out the petitions for putting the ordinance up for public referendum.

Of course this fit well into the right-wing’s religious persecution meme, and here’s how Robertson reacted (again) on his show today, Right Wing Watch reports:

It’s one thing to want to persuade somebody to believe like you do, that’s what Christianity is about, to bring the Gospel message and say this is good news and we’d like you to accept it. It’s something else to take the arm of the government to force somebody to do something that is against, contrary to their religion, and that’s what these homosexuals are trying to do. They are trying to force people who are Christians to marry them or else face jail, to make cakes honoring them or else go to jail and give their sermons over and divulge their innermost thoughts or go to jail, that’s the kind of thing we’re dealing with.

These people are terrorists, they’re radicals and they’re extremists…

Added Pat: “What’s being done in Houston is a gay—the woman they elected is a homosexual, she’s a lesbian, and she’s trying to force pastors to conform to her beliefs.”


Andy Towle

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