Pat Robertson: Catering For Same-Sex Weddings Like Servicing Man-Dog Weddings – VIDEO

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Pat Robertson: Catering For Same-Sex Weddings Like Servicing Man-Dog Weddings – VIDEO


Bats–t televangelist Pat Robertson has said that businesses catering for same-sex weddings might as well be providing their services for man-dog weddings, reports Right Wing Watch.

Speaking on his increasingly bonkers The 700 Club about yesterday’s ruling that florist Barronelle Stuzman violated Washington’s anti-discrimination law by refusing to service a same-sex wedding, Robertson argued that if “somebody wanted to marry his dog” the florist has now “got to have flowers for that.”

“This is crazy,” Robertson claimed.  Yes it is, Pat. Yes it is.


Not known for his strong grasp on reality, Pat recently said that gay people will die out “because they can’t reproduce.”

Jim Redmond

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