Pat Buchanan and Linda Harvey Call for 'Civil Disobedience' In the Fight Against Gay Marriage: AUDIO

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Pat Buchanan and Linda Harvey Call for 'Civil Disobedience' In the Fight Against Gay Marriage: AUDIO


Former MSNBC host and “culture warrior” Pat Buchanan and right-wing nutbag Linda Harvey appear to have synced up their bigoted calendars this week – as both are now calling for Christians to rise up in mass “civil disobedience” against the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision Monday. 

Writing over at World Net Daily, Buchanan explains how the Supreme Court’s decision this week is really just part of its wider agenda imposing the religion of “secular humanism” on the American public:

The Supreme Court has ordered the de-Christianization of all public institutions in what was a predominantly Christian country. Christian holy days, holidays, Bibles, books, prayers and invocations were all declared to be impermissible in public schools and the public square.

Secular humanism became, through Supreme Court edict, our established religion in the United States.

And the American people took it.

Why was there not massive civil disobedience against this anti-Christian discrimination, as there was against segregation? Why did Congress, which has the power to abolish every federal district and appellate court and to restrict the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, not act?

Similarly, Linda Harvey warned on her radio show yesterday:

This is attempted theft of what God has ordained and our Lord will not honor this lawlessness. Allowing homosexuality to become normal in America may certainly be part of God’s judgment on our once-Christian nation for our irresponsible sexual practices and for turning our back on what the Lord has taught us. Even so, God will at some point allow the consequences of such defiance to play itself out and that will be a very tragic day indeed for those who have thumbed their noses at the Lord as they celebrate sin…pray friends for how God would use you as we enter a time of possible civil disobedience. We must not serve the interests of sin and darkness. 

Listen to the segment, AFTER THE JUMP

Kyler Geoffroy

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