Pastor To Gay High School Grads: “Congrats, But You’re Going To Hell!”

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Pastor To Gay High School Grads: “Congrats, But You’re Going To Hell!”

Screen shot 2015-06-04 at 11.23.22 AMWhile delivering a baccalaureate service to a class of high school seniors, Pastor Scott Carpenter (pictured) thought it would be an opportune time to remind any gay graduates in the audience that they were going to burn in hell.

The hate speech happened on May 30 at Kings Mountain High School in Kings Mountain, NC and, naturally, left quite a few people upset.

Related: “Gaypower” Is Turning Everyone Bisexual, Pastor Warns

Chuck Wilson, a parent who was in the audience that day, called the speech “inappropriate” and accused Carpenter of “bullying” and overshadowing the students’ achievements with a message of intolerance.

“It’s a public school,” Wilson told WBTV. “There are children here. I think there should be some level of responsibility of the speaker coming in to not take advantage of a captive audience.”

Carpenter blew off allegations that his behavior was out of line. He told WBTV that he doesn’t have any regrets over the speech. “Nobody got bashed or anything,” he claimed. “All I did was simply speak biblical truth.”

“The number one audience that I have to please is God,” he added, with just the slightest hint of self-righteousness. “I simply had to do what I had to do as a Christian minister.”

As a result of the debacle, schools officials say they are going to be “more cautious” about the selection process of baccalaureate speakers in the future.

Related: Pastor Claims Gay People Are Possessed By “Fart Demons” That Can Drive Pigs To Suicide

Graham Gremore

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