Chippenham PE coach guilty of sex crimes

Chippenham PE coach guilty of sex crimes A CHILDREN’S football and PE coach from Chippenham who encouraged a 14 year-old girl to perform webcam sex acts on herself must wait to hear his fate, after being convicted of sex crimes. A London court was told that Philip William Boore, 36, told the …

Boys on cam – We chat to Mobeen Azhar about the world of online sex shows

Boys on cam – We chat to Mobeen Azhar about the world of online sex shows Meet the webcam boys: the men who put their bodies online for money. The rarely reported on, and occasionally low resolution world of male webcam shows is the subject of a brand new BBC Three documentary this evening. From … Continue reading Boys on cam – We chat to Mobeen Azhar about the world of online sex shows

Men being targeted in Facebook blackmail sex scam

Men being targeted in Facebook blackmail sex scam Two victims, one a teenager, contacted gardai over the Eastern European scam. The female fraudsters lured the men into having webcam sex but recorded them performing sex acts. The women then threatened to post the clips on their Facebook pages so family …

Scam victims 'filmed performing sex acts by fraudsters who threaten to post footage on Facebook'

Scam victims 'filmed performing sex acts by fraudsters who threaten to post footage on Facebook' The female fraudsters lured the men into having webcam sex but recorded them performing the acts. The women then threatened to post the clips so family, friends and possible partners could see the X-rated footage. The pair were told they … Continue reading Scam victims 'filmed performing sex acts by fraudsters who threaten to post footage on Facebook'

Scammer Is Black Mailing Toronto Men Who Engage in Sex Chat

Scammer Is Black Mailing Toronto Men Who Engage in Sex Chat Male users on the subsites WeCHAT, Facebook, Skype and Kijiji are luring into a private chat with a seemingly interested beautiful woman. Police believe the woman then convinces the victims to become sexual on webcam, which then she records. The suspect …

Vocativ uses its data-mining software to create a TV show

Vocativ uses its data-mining software to create a TV show The unscripted series will tackle subjects like cyber-kidnapping, cults and the webcam sex industry. The first episode will be about how virtual relationships can impede real intimacy. Vocativ founder Mati Kochavi, who also founded AGT International …

Meet the Company Exploring the Dark Net for Showtime's New Docuseries

Meet the Company Exploring the Dark Net for Showtime's New Docuseries Showtime picked up eight episodes of Dark Net in November with plans for each half-hour to explore a different theme, from the webcam sex trade to online cults. Kochavi says that each episode will feature three different stories based on those topics and … … Continue reading Meet the Company Exploring the Dark Net for Showtime's New Docuseries

US cable network to broadcast Israeli-made docuseries

US cable network to broadcast Israeli-made docuseries “Each half-hour episode will cover themes including bio-hacking, cyber-kidnapping, digital warfare, online cults, pornography addiction and the webcam sex trade.” Mati Kochavi, owner of media company Vocatif which created the series Dark Net (Photo …