Ringleaders of elaborate 24-hour gay sex slave ring get 30 years in the slammer

Ringleaders of elaborate 24-hour gay sex slave ring get 30 years in the slammer Victims were forced to perform sex acts between 18 to 24 hours a day, either with each other, with clients, or on webcams. www.queerty.com/ringleaders-elaborate-24-hour-gaysex-slave-ring-get-30-years-slammer-20170410?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+queerty2+%28Queerty%29

This Straight Guy Is One Of The Most Successful Webcam Models Out There. Here’s Why.

This Straight Guy Is One Of The Most Successful Webcam Models Out There. Here’s Why. “Within seconds he transforms himself from a self-conscious straight nerd into a gay man’s fantasy.” That’s a line culled from “How to Be a Cam Boy,” a profile by Angelina Chapin for MEL magazine that takes a long look at the life … Continue reading This Straight Guy Is One Of The Most Successful Webcam Models Out There. Here’s Why.

Nearly Half Of Gay Men Use Adult Films For Sex Education

Nearly Half Of Gay Men Use Adult Films For Sex Education Oh dear, we’re in trouble. A new survey shows that almost half of gay men in England have watched pornography for “education” about how to have sex. This is like watching The Matrix to learn kung-fu. The charity GMFA asked over a thousand gay men where they … Continue reading Nearly Half Of Gay Men Use Adult Films For Sex Education