They do: Miami Beach, Orlando join forces to support gay marriage in Florida court cases

They do: Miami Beach, Orlando join forces to support gay marriage in Florida court cases
The cities of Miami Beach and Orlando joined forces Monday seeking to allow gay couples to wed in Florida and that the state recognize legal marriages performed elsewhere. “Our city is really pro LGBT. It’s important for us not to be pro LGBT by word …

Ambassador, his husband's inspiring video for Gay Pride Month

Ambassador, his husband's inspiring video for Gay Pride Month
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — Gay rights may be advancing in much of the western world, but there are almost 80 countries where members of the LGBT community live in fear and face rampant discrimination and often violence. Barack Obama …

“The Case Against 8″ directors: “It’s so nice to have a gay film that has a happy ending”

“The Case Against 8″ directors: “It’s so nice to have a gay film that has a happy ending”
Ben Cotner and Ryan White have made the authoritative film about the fight against Proposition 8 — but they insist that it’s only part of the story. Marriage equality has been a defining political issue of the past decade, and one of its permutations …


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