Towletech v.113: Jurassic World, Turing Test, Magic Schoolbus, World's Largest TV

Towletech v.113: Jurassic World, Turing Test, Magic Schoolbus, World's Largest TV

Jurassic world


A weekly round-up of the best tech, science, and geek-related news from around the web.

Road (1) The first official photos of increasingly hunky Chris Pratt on the set of Jurassic World. You’re welcome. 

Road (1) And while I myself can’t wait for Jurassic World, a new report shows Chinese audiences are growing increasingly tired of Hollywood’s overreliance on sequels, remakes, and special effects-stuffed blockbusters. 

Road (1) A Russian computer program has become the first AI to pass the Turing Test by impersonating a 13-year-old non-native-English-speaking Ukrainian boy. Futurist Ray Kurzweil and other experts, however, are saying not so fast. Luckily, we have Steven Colbert to clarify everything for us: its a ‘robolution’ in the making.

Road (1) Every video game being shown at the Electronic Entertainment Expo this week in Los Angeles.

Road (1) MsbPut those fears about America’s failing education system aside – Netlix has announced that it will reboot classic 90’s kid’s show The Magic Schoolbus.

Road (1) Crayola boxes may sadly become a thing of the past with Scribble – a pen that lets you scan and replicate any random object’s color   

Road (1) Amazon launches Spotify-esque streaming music service free to Prime members.

Road (1) The powerful implications of 3D printing, robotics, artificial intelligence, the “Internet of Things,” infinite computing and synthetic biology in one handy little 5 minute video


Road (1) A mind-controlled exoskeleton will be kicking off the World Cup’s opening ceremony today.

Dr whoRoad (1) What Doctor Who might look like in the hands of Disney animators.   

Road (1) A Facebook employee by the name of Dave Goldblatt has donated $20,000 to win the top prize in a charity contest put on by Game of Thrones writer George R.R. Martin. And the prize? Dave will get the honor of having a new character named after him in an upcoming book…and said character will then be killed off in a grisly manner. So so very jealous

Road (1) You might have seen our post earlier today on NASA’s warp drive space ship designed to make interstellar travel easier. Well earlier this week, Boeing unveiled its new “space taxi” – designed to make it easier to launch astronauts into space. 

Road (1) And if you’re still looking for a Father’s Day present, consider the 370-inch Titan – the world’s largest television. It’ll only set you back a cool $1.7 million

Got something you think would be cool for the round-up? Tweet me @kylergee

Kyler Geoffroy

Are We a Stone’s Throw from an Epidemic of Anti-LGBTQ Violence?

Are We a Stone’s Throw from an Epidemic of Anti-LGBTQ Violence?
This week a disturbing story, originally unearthed last year by an Oklahoma magazine, reached the light of national attention. We learned that Scott Esk, an Oklahoma Tea Party Republican candidate for the state House, had endorsed the stoning of gay people saying, “I think it would be totally in the right to [stone LGBTQ people].”

Two weeks ago, on May 29th, 2013, the New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) released a report that showed that reports of anti-LGBTQ violence increased by nearly 27 percent in New York City from 2012 to 2013. This raises the eternal question: is violence increasing or is reporting better? Generally, we like to think that reporting is better – especially when it follows a summer like 2013, in which the media was reporting weekly, and, at times, daily, on anti-LGBTQ violence. These high profile reports meant that more folks knew about the violence, about AVP and about how to report violence and seek help. That’s the good news.

But that doesn’t mean violence isn’t also increasing. In 2013, in New York City, three people were killed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This is up from zero homicides in 2012. On this front violence absolutely increased. And the violence is still disproportionately impacting people of color and transgender people – nearly 90 percent (yes, 90 percent) of the anti-LGBTQ homicide victims across this country were people of color and 72 percent were transgender women. For people of color, transgender women and transgender women of color, the violence isn’t just increasing, it’s an epidemic.

Why, in a time where LGBTQ equality is making such progress, when LGBTQ people are more visible (I mean, Laverne Cox on the cover of Time – that’s visible!), why is this violence still happening? Because the backlash, the folks that are moving more and more right of center, the Scott Esks of the world, are calling for this violence. Esk later went on to clarify: “I never said I would author legislation to put homosexuals to death, but I didn’t have a problem with it.” (And it’s not just words – we have seen some pretty extreme anti-LGBTQ legislation, too.) Now you may be thinking, “yes, but this knucklehead doesn’t represent me, or my family, or my friends” and he probably doesn’t.

But he represents an idea more insidious than the idiocy he’s spouting – an idea that is far more common, pervasive and responsible for violence than most are comfortable admitting: that LGBTQ folks, particularly LGBTQ people of color and transgender women of color, are other, are less than, and in some tragic cases, are disposable. Though (thankfully) most wouldn’t be bigoted enough to endorse stoning, it’s the same line of thinking that allows us to both casually and viciously mock transgender people; it’s why “that’s so gay” is still a put-down and not a compliment; it’s why LGBTQ violence is increasing. It is the promotion of violence that is based on judging someone because of who they are, or who they love. And it’s intolerable. We need to be outraged because we see not just the idiocy in these statements, but also the kernel of anti-LGBTQ bias and discrimination that will continue to exist until we all recognize that treating anyone as less than will lead – has led – to an epidemic of violence.

Andrew Rannells Will Replace Neil Patrick Harris As Hedwig; Here’s A Preview

Andrew Rannells Will Replace Neil Patrick Harris As Hedwig; Here’s A Preview

Neil Patrick Harris returned to Broadway this spring in the revival of Hedwig and the Angry Inch, gave Sting a lapdance, nabbed a well-deserved Tony Award, and is ready to skedaddle.

We can’t blame him, though. He’s been performing the demanding role seven nights a week since March, encountering more glitter than most will see in a lifetime.

The show was only ever supposed to run through August, but with a smashing success comes an extended run.

And NPH will pass the wig to none other than Andrew Rannells. Andrew nabbed a Tony nomination for his hilarious work in The Book of Mormon, and more recently can be seen on Ryan Murphy’s The New Normal and as Hannah’s gay ex boyfriend on Girls.

Oh, and it won’t be Rannell’s first time taking the wig down from the box. He played the role in a 2011 production of the show in Austin, TX.

As evidenced here:


He’s locked in for at least an 8-week run beginning August 20th.

Who do you think should follow Harris and Rannells? We suggest Gaga. Just think of all those headlines…Gaga And Her Angry Inch Join Cast Of Hedwig.

Watch Rannell tear into “The Origin of Love” at a benefit concert at Joe’s Pub in NYC below:


Jeremy Kinser

Wisconsin Attorney General Says County Clerks May Be Prosecuted for Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses

Wisconsin Attorney General Says County Clerks May Be Prosecuted for Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen (R-pictured) said Thursday that gay couples who have been issued marriage license since U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage last Friday are not married in the eyes of the law and county clerks who issue marriage licenses to these couples could be prosecuted.

VanhollenThe Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports:

“You do have many people in Wisconsin basically taking the law into their own hands and there can be legal repercussions for that,” Van Hollen said. “So, depending on who believes they’re married under the law and who doesn’t believe they’re married under the law may cause them to get themselves in some legal problems that I think are going to take years for them and the courts to work out.”

He said he did not believe same-sex couples could be prosecuted but that county clerks risked that happening.

“That’s going to be up to district attorneys, not me,” he said. “There are penalties within our marriage code, within our statutes, and hopefully they’re acting with full awareness of what’s contained therein.”

According to state law, country clerks can be jailed for up to nine months and fined up to $10,000 for issuing marriage licenses that aren’t allowed. According to the AP, 63 of the state’s 72 counties are issuing marriage license to same-sex couples.

Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell said the possibility of prosecution “doesn’t keep me up at night,” and that Van Hollen needs to “call off the dogs and turn off the fire hoses.”

Van Hollen has appealed the ruling to the 7th Circuit Cort of Appeals and is asking for a stay.

Kyler Geoffroy


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