Violent Philly Gay Basher Turns Herself In, Is The Daughter Of Police Chief

Violent Philly Gay Basher Turns Herself In, Is The Daughter Of Police Chief

321601_800x450Three violent gay bashers from the group of eight who assaulted and subsequently hospitalized a gay couple in an unprovoked attack in Center City on September 11 have turned themselves in to police this morning.

We reported yesterday that charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, and criminal conspiracy were filed by the Philadelphia DA against 24-year-old Philip Williams, 26-year-old Kevin Harrigan, and 24-year-old Katherine Knott, three of the eight assailants who instigated the attack.

An investigation into the incident took longer than expected — 6 full days after assailants were identified — and ended yesterday, effectively letting at least five violent homophobic assailants back onto the street without consequence for their involvement in the attack.

What took so long, you ask? 24-year-old Katherine Knott is apparently the daughter of Chalfont, Pennsylvania Police Chief Karl Knott, and as we previously noted, charges and consequences for the crime would most likely depend on the assailants’ wealth status and relation to the police department.

It appears as though all the kids involved are well-connected on both fronts, and this assault could have likely gone totally unpunished if it weren’t for excellent detective work conducted by citizens on Twitter and heavy media attention.

On Monday, a police source told G Philly that they “didn’t have time” to investigate “simple” crimes like this.

Several witnesses and the victims confirmed they were assaulted by at least eight from an unruly, “visibly intoxicated” and “well dressed” group of 12, Knott’s attorney says she was not an aggressor.

“She in no way participated in the assault of anyone,” he said. “(And) she didn’t hurl an insult or a slur, of any kind.”

ABC 6 reporters spoke with the Knott family’s Southampton neighbors about the incident, who said they “weren’t surprised” by the charges against Knott.

NBC Philadelphia also confirmed this morning that many members of the violent gang are former students of Archbishop Wood High School, a Catholic institution. Last week, the school’s assistant basketball coach Fran McGlinn was fired after his involvement in the attack was learned.

Though the attack was most certainly based on the victims’ sexual orientation, hate crime charges cannot be filed because Pennsylvania law only recognizes hate crimes as “motivated by race, religion and ethnicity.”

Yesterday, lawmakers in favor of updating the state’s hate crime law to include sexual orientation held a rally at the capitol.

Don’t be surprised when all three of these kids get off scot-free or with light community service. This is America, after all, where we reserve things like liberty and justice or the ultra-rich whose daddies have badges.

Matthew Tharrett

Serbian Christian Orthodox Church Denounces Belgrade Pride – VIDEO

Serbian Christian Orthodox Church Denounces Belgrade Pride – VIDEO

Serbia pride

Patriarch Irinej, the head of Serbia’s Christian Orthodox church, yesterday denounced a Gay Pride march planned for this weekend, reports ABC News.

In a statement, Irinej said that the “shameless” event casts a moral shadow on Serbia.

OrthOfficials have suggested they could allow the event to go ahead despite fears of a repeat of the violence in 2010 when right-wing groups attacked a pride march, triggering clashes with police that left more than 100 people injured.

Following the attacks, authorities banned LGBT rights marches for the following three years, citing security reasons.

Holding the march is seen as a test of the country’s pledge to respect human rights as it seeks membership in the European Union.

However, Irinej said that the pride organizers “and their mentors from Europe” haven’t learned the lesson from the past marches.

Several far-right groups have announced anti-gay marches in Belgrade next Saturday.

On Tuesday, police announced they have filed charges against eight people who had made threats against LGBT people on social media.

Milorad Todorovic, the police officer in charge of cyber crime in Serbia, has vowed to “secure the safety of all citizens” and is hopeful that the Pride event will go ahead. “I hope the pride event will be held on Sunday.”

Watch police combating extremist protesters at Serbia’s 2010 Gay Pride, AFTER THE JUMP…

Jim Redmond

Philip Williams And Katherine Knott, Philadelphia Gay Beating Case Defendants, Turn Themselves In

Philip Williams And Katherine Knott, Philadelphia Gay Beating Case Defendants, Turn Themselves In
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Three people accused of beating of a gay couple during a late-night encounter on a Philadelphia street have turned themselves in.

Police say 24-year-old Philip Williams, 24-year-old Katherine Knott and 26-year-old Kevin Harrigan surrendered Wednesday morning. Prosecutors say they each face charges including aggravated assault and criminal conspiracy. Williams’ attorney Fortunato Perri Jr. says the case was not related to anyone’s sexual orientation. He calls the incident a “mutual confrontation” in which his client “was not the aggressor.” Knott’s attorney said his client played no role in the altercation.

A message left for Harrigan’s attorney wasn’t immediately returned.

The case gained attention when police posted a video of the well-dressed suspects and online sleuths used social media sites to help identify them.

Picturesque Gay Wedding Encounters A Worst-Case Scenario

Picturesque Gay Wedding Encounters A Worst-Case Scenario

Coronado_wedding_interrupted_by_rant_1411441656094_8323279_ver1.0_640_480Cakes collapsing, groomsmen blacking out, maybe even a bride’s tumble down the aisle — you could chalk all these up as wedding disasters.

Which makes what happened at the recent nuptials of Oscar De Las Salas and Gary Jackson an absolute nightmare.

The couple was in the midst of their dream wedding by the coast in Coronado, CA near San Diego when their vows were interrupted by people in a nearby luxury condo building repeatedly screaming things like “go home, homos!”

The grooms, as well as some thirty guests including an Arizona congresswoman, were left shocked as the remarks kept coming throughout the service.

All the balconies in the building appeared empty, but the hateful comments remained a constant throughout the wedding, forever marking the couple’s ceremony with nasty memories.

“It’s just sad that that is now ingrained for the rest of our lives in our wedding day,” said Jackson. “That person took a chunk of what should have been a beautiful day and turned it into something nasty and full of hate.”

De Las Salas said, “He took from me, my husband, and my guests a moment of joy, a simple moment of joy.”

Watch the video below:

Dan Tracer

3 Philadelphia Gay Bash Suspects Turn Themselves in; One is Daughter of Police Chief – VIDEO

3 Philadelphia Gay Bash Suspects Turn Themselves in; One is Daughter of Police Chief – VIDEO


Philip Williams, 24, and Katherine Knott, 24, two of the three suspects charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and criminal conspiracy for last week’s brutal assault on two gay men in Center City, Philadelphia, turned themselves in early this morning, ABC6 reports. Arrest warrants were issued yesterday.

AttackThe news station also confirms that Knott is the daughter of Chalfont, Bucks County Police Chief Karl Knott:

At their Southampton home, no one answered but when we asked several neighbors about the charges against Knott, off camera, they would only say they’re not surprised.

A third suspect, Kevin Harrigan, 26, turned himself in at 9 am.

Watch ABC6’s report, AFTER THE JUMP

NBC Philadelphia reports:

Williams, 24, didn’t speak as he arrived at Central Detectives but his attorney Fortunato Perri, Jr. did comment on the case as did Knott’s attorney.

Perri told reporters Wednesday that the case was not related to anyone’s sexual orientation. He said it was instead what he called a “mutual confrontation” in which his client “was not the aggressor.” Knott’s attorney said his client played no role in the confrontation.

Those involved will not be charged with a hate crime as Pennsylvania’s hate crime laws do not cover sexual orientation.

Yesterday, lawmakers held a rally at Pennsylvania’s capitol pushing for passage of a statewide hate crimes law. Out Rep. Brian Sims was on hand and spoke passionately, urging lawmakers to protect LGBT citizens. Another lawmaker, state Senator Jim Ferlo, came out of the closet at the event, telling those gathered, “Hundreds of people know I’m gay. I just never made an official declaration. I never felt I had to wear a billboard on my forehead. But I’m gay. Get over it. I love it. It’s a great life.”

Philip Williams, 24, surrenders to police. Facing aggravated assault charges in case of gay couple beaten in city.

— Jan Carabeo (@JanCarabeoCBS3) September 24, 2014

Andy Towle

Montana Catholic Parish Divided Over Priest's Decision To Ban Married Gay Couple From Communion

Montana Catholic Parish Divided Over Priest's Decision To Ban Married Gay Couple From Communion
GREAT FALLS, Mont. — A Roman Catholic bishop says a central Montana parish is about evenly divided over a new priest’s decision to prohibit a gay couple from receiving Communion unless they divorce, live separately and write a statement affirming that a marriage is between a man and a woman.

Bishop Michael Warfel of the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings met Saturday with about 300 parishioners of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Lewistown, where he also led a Mass. About half the parishioners supported the Rev. Samuel Spiering’s decision, while the other half were very angry, the Great Falls Tribune reported.

“There obviously is polarization, and certainly what I want to do is try to effect some healing,” Warfel said Saturday. “At the same time, as a Catholic bishop, I uphold our Catholic teachings.”

Tom Wojtowick, 66, and Paul Huff, 73, are longtime Catholics and have attended St. Leo the Great since 2003. Both sang in the choir, and Wojtowick is an organist.

The men have been in a committed relationship for more than 30 years and were married in a civil ceremony in Seattle in May 2013 to protect their finances as they age.

“We didn’t think anything would happen, church is one thing, civil society is another,” Wojtowick told KULR-TV.

montana gay couple

Warfel has said it was his understanding that the men did not publicize their marriage, but once it became known in the town of 5,900 people, it had to be dealt with publicly.

Spiering, 27, met with the men in early August, shortly after being assigned to the Lewistown parish.

“These men have been in this parish for years. We’ve had other priests and nothing was different ’til now,” said Austin Weidner.

Warfel said Saturday that Spiering’s decision still stands and he’s praying about the situation.

“I still want to go back to church, but if it doesn’t happen, I’m OK with it” Huff said. “I still have a strong faith.”


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